Chapter 12: They're our new science partners

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Lucy's PoV

As Levy, Juvia, Erza and I are talking in class, a new subject comes up. "How about we visit Wendy? We haven't seen her in ages!" Levy exaggerates. "It was last week." Erza chuckles. "Still. I really want to see how she's doing." Levy pouts. "Sure, we can go after school. I haven't got training today." Juvia suggests.

As they prepare plans for after school, I think abut what happened yesterday. After I stormed away from the boys, Lainey spent most of her time with them and almost didn't realise when I dropped some plates because of my dizziness. She sent me home early after that.

Maybe I was too harsh on him? I was a but cold. I think to myself. "You acted exactly how anyone would in that situation." Erza tells me. Apparently, I was thinking aloud. "But." I sigh. "Don't worry Lu! I'll protect you from those perverted demons!" Lev hugs me. "Thank, Lev." I giggle, a smile returning to my face, which I hadn't known was gone. "What class do we have first, Erz?" Juvia asks her. "German I believe." Erza looks at her phone, which held her schedule. "Aw man. I suck at German." Levy pouts. As our school is the best in the district, we can learn three different languages; French, Spanish and German. We all chose German, as you can see. We are also all in the same classes. "I'm envious of you Lu. Your mom's fluent in almost every language in the world." Juvia pouts. "I would say she's fluent, but yeah. She can start a conversation." I laugh sheepishly.

Suddenly, the bell went for first class and we left our busy home room.

Natsu's PoV

As Lucy watches her group with a sad face, Gray appears in front of me. "What's up with you man? You look like you saw someone stole your cat." He chuckles. "What did I do wrong?" I turn back to my group. "What are you talking about, Salamander?" Gajeel looks at me from his place on the table, his arms under his head as he was trying to sleep. "Are you talking about yesterday?" Jellal looks up from his book. I nod solemnly. "That's all our fault, don't just blame yourself." He comforts me. "But he was the one who was so persistent." Gray grumbled. "What're you saying, Popsicle?!" I slam my head against his. "Watch it, flame breath. Wouldn't want to turn that soft head of your's into mush." Gray threatens back.

Before we could complete our bickering, the bell goes and Gajeel drags us off to class.

Lucy's PoV

Our first subject was science. "Hello everyone! We'll be continuing from last year, since most of you were in my last class." Our teacher from last year, Mr Clive, turned to the board. "For those of you that don't know. That's my name." He point at their name on the board. "Right. We'll start off with a practical experiment. Get your goggles and lab coats. Your partners are on the board." He points at the sheet of paper on the wall and the girls and I go to check first. "Hang on a second. This isn't right!" Juvia gasps. "What is it?" I ask, also looking for my name. "We're with Dragon Slayers." Levy's eyes grow wide as Erza's ghost flies out of her body.

Dumbstruck, we all just start there, not knowing what to do. "Me Clive! I think you broke them!" A nearby student laughed. I guess they over heard us. Then, Erza snaps back and rips the sheet off its pin, storming up to our teach. "Mr C, what is the meaning of this!?" She slams her fist on the table with the paper in it. By now, she were standing behind her, cowering. As you can see, we're completely terrified of this specific teacher. As he's the strongest, scariest in our school, I think he's stronger that the top gym teacher. "No, there's no mistake. You guys need to spread your horizons. You won't be together forever." He states straightforwardly, his feet on his desk as he reads his science magazine. Erza scowls. "Don't forget what your mom said Lucy." He reminded me. My mother was good friends with the mothers of the Dragon Slayer boys, and she knew they were returning, so she said I should make friends with them again. My mom's a hard working person, so she barely had time at home as she's working 75% of the time, the other 15% sleeping. Because of this, her boy friend, who so happens to be Mr Clive, looks after me. They met at a parent teacher conference. Now don't get me wrong, I think the two of them make a wonderful couple, they're completely happy with each, and I totally ship them and all, but sometimes it comes back and bites me in the butts.

I sigh. "Fine." I grumble, turning around and returning the sheet to its place on the wall, as I knew Gildarts, which is his original name, would snitch. I swear he can be so childish at times. He also has a daughter, Cana, who works at the bar at Lainey's place on weekend, she's also a really good friend of mine. "So Luce. Who's your partner?" Nash walks up to me. "You." I mutter. "Sorry, I didn't hear you. Did you say Ju? As in Juvia?" He leans closer. "No, you." I say a little louder. "What?" He leans in until he could be losing the top of my head. "I SAID YOU, DEAFY!" I pull down on his loose strings, which was part of a grey jacket hoodie. "O-Oh. Me." He chokes. "Yeah." I nod sarcastically and go to get our equipment for our experiment.

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