Chapter 4: The unknown

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Lucy's PoV

When we finally made it into the school grounds, we immediately were greeted by a million fan girls. "Is that them?!" One said. "I can't believe they come our school!" Another squeals. "They're so hot!" I hear a thump of someone fainting. I sigh at their overreacting and continue walking to home room with the girls.

When we got in, we were greeted by the only other person we were close to in this school. "Hello girls! How are you?" Our home room teacher, although she literally just graduated, greeted us. "Hey Mira. What are you dong here so early?" Levy replies, sitting on a table if a desk at the front. "Why not? We do have knew students in town." She smiles at the rest if us as I sit on the same table as Levy, Juvia and Ersa sit in seats, that they pulled up. "And I need to start thinking about who to ship them with." She finishes her reasons as we sweat drop. "We-Well anyway. Have you spread the word about the show after school?" Juvia blushes. "Of course! But it's not like you guys need the word, everybody in his school adore you!" Mira chirps, winking as she puts some papers in her desk draw. "Well, almost everyone." Ersa smirks. "She doesn't really count. After what she did, no one likes her." Mira frowns. "But she's still the skank of the school." Levy and I giggle in unison.

After gossiping for a bit, Mira stands up. "Can you girls cover for me. I need to go to Gramps' office to pick up the new students." Mira gets up, grabbing her bag and some papers. "You mean they're in our class!?" I groan. "I'm afraid so Lucy. Yet, you still can't hide from him forever." She shook her head. "I was going to. But that dream was crushed when they decided to have a normal life." I sulked. "Come on Lu. Forget about them and the day will go by faster." Levy tries to comfort me, putting a reassuring hand in my shoulder. "Yeah. I guess." I grumble. "Let's get the class ready for home room!" Juvia cheers. "I swear we should get payed for this. We do more than teach has actually ever done in this class." Ersa sighs, face palming. Thankfully Mira hadn't heard, since she has already gone. "Then we would have to do the grading. No one wants that." Levy giggles. And with that, we get to work.

Natsu's PoV

We get through the crowd of reporters and were instantly met by a group of screaming girl. A big group of screaming fan girls at that. They all screamed something about 'get them' but I wasn't really listening. I was focused on what they were wearing. Damn, I love this school. I smirked before almost getting clobbered by them. Keyword, almost. Before my fantasies could come true, a booming voice came from behind. We all looked towards it and the girls instantly backed off. Standing at the end of the line, that the girls had made on either side of us, was a small, wrinkly old man with white ring hair and side burns. "Get to class!" The little man's surprisingly deep and bold voice shouted again. The girls scattered frantically and left the court yard.

Frowning at the old man walking towards us, I slouched. "Welcome. I am the principle of this school. It is a pleasure to have you here." He smiled kindly towards us, easing my disappointment a little. "Thank you sir. It is an honour to be accepted to your fine school." Jerral bowed to him. God he's so formal. I sighed in my brain. "Thank you Mr Fernandez. If you like, you can call me Gramps. Now, will you follow me." He turned around swiftly and started walking, his comment more of a command than a question. We had to run a bit to catch up with him. "Why do we call you Gramps?" Gray asked. "We all consider this school as a home. So the students and working staff are family. We take pride in our connections with others and do not take bullying and offence from other school lightly. I would remember that if I were you." He tells us, still walking forward. "Do you normally have beef with other school?" Gajeel yawns. "We are the leading school in the district. What do you expect?" He chuckled.

Then he opens a door at the end of the hall, walks in and takes a seat behind a large desk. "Sit." He commands and we do as told. "You each have the same classes and will be following your home room teacher around." He hands us our schedules. "Who's that?" We all ask in unison.

Suddenly, the door behind us opens and we all turn in our seats towards it. There is a tall, white haired, busty beauty huffing a bit. "So-Sorry Master. I was grading some papers and didn't realise the time." She walked further in the room. "That is fine Miss Strauss." Gramps sighs and waves her to his side. "Boys. This is your home room teacher, Miss Strauss." He sighed again. We all bow our heads back to her, who was already bowing. "Hi boys! It's great to have you in our class. If you have any questions, ask away!" She cheered. "At break, will you show them around?" Gramps asks her. "Sure thing Gramps. Okay boys, let's get to class!" She cheers and begins to skip back to the door. We all sweat drop at her behaviour, and Gramps tells us to follow her.

We wonder the halls until we get to our classroom and Miss Strauss opens the door. In front of us we see lots of students standing around, either chatting or throwing things at each other. At the front the class is a red headed girl sitting at the teacher's desk looking at some papers through her glasses, a blue short haired girl sitting on a students desk who was reading a book, as well as another blue haired girl, but longer hair, talking with that group, and a golden haired girl drawing on the chalk board. The red head was wearing a white, long sleeved blouse and a light black skirt. The shortest girl out of the bunch was wearing a light pink top that had ruffles at the top, blue jeans and an orange bandana in her hair. The blondie had a tight, dark blue crop top, that had the shoulders cut out, lighter high waist shorts and headphones on. While the girl with long blue hair had a colour stripped crop top and blue jeans. (Also in media.)

As we gawked at the fine specimens in front of us, Miss Strauss walked over to them. "Hey girls! Have you done roll call yet?" She asks them. "Yeah Mira. We've done everything already." The redhead sighed. "Hey Mira! Check this out! Elfman finally got a girlfriend!" The bluenettes point at a very muscular white headed man in the corner, a girl with light brown hair sitting on the desk he was sitting at. "YES! MY OTP!" Miss Strauss cheered, making the whole class chuckle and go back to what they were doing. As this wasn't as normal to us as the rest, we stood in the doorway a bit freaked out by her. "Come on in boys. No need to be shy." Miss Strauss called us in. Everyone looked in our direction and the girls squealed. Except for one, the blondie at the front, and her little friends. I guess she didn't hear. I reasoned with myself as the girls in our class crowded around us.

After a while of signing stuff and whatnot, I started looking at my band Mates. Apparently, we seemed to be thinking the same thing, because they were looking back at me. We nodded to each other and excused us from the girls. We walked to our home room teacher and asked her the question we all had on our minds. "Why hasn't the bell gone yet?" We asked in unison, making the bunch of girls who hadn't come to see us and Miss Strauss, look us at us from her desk. "Didn't you know?" The shortest girl scoffed. "Know what, pipsqueak?" Gajeel asked, enraging the girl. "On Mondays we have the entire day in home room." Miss Strauss informs us. "It allows us to help each other with homework that was due over the weekend and to wake up properly." The read head pushes glasses higher up on her face. "REALLY!" The whole of Dragon Slayers cry. "Yeah. And God quieten down a bit." The girl with long blue hair covers her ears. "That's awesome. We don't have to do anything for the whole day!" Gray cheers. While we were celebrating, I noticed the goldilocks clutching her head. "Hey. Is she alright?" I ask, pointing at her. She seems to scowl and looks up at me. "I'm fine." She grumbles and looks down again. Her friend next to her reaches into her bag and hands her a pill. "Here Lu. Take it easy, okay?" She sighs and takes the pill. "So, what's your name, pretty lady?" Gray leans in on the the long blue haired girl. She scoffs and looks away, crossing her arms. "That's Juvia Locksar!" Miss Strauss cheers. "And this is Ersa Scarlet and Levy McGarden." She points at the two, who were also frowning. "And the girl in pain is Lucy Heartfilia." Teach points at the last girl. I flinch a little and try to peer in her face. "Do I know you? You seem familiar." I question her, making her look up at me. "No." She states and goes to sit on the window cil. "She's never going to get over it like that." Miss Strauss sighs. "What do you expect? After what he did to her." Levy leans back in her chair. "I know." Miss Strauss slouches. "What happened to her?" Jerral asks them. They all look at us and scoff. "Sorry. That's a sensitive subject." Miss Strauss sighs again.

After that, no one would talk to us, so we went back to being fawned over by girls.

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