Chapter 36: Getting The Gang Back Together

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Natsu's POV

I couldn't move after seeing Luce's limp body on the floor. She looks so skinny and pale since I last saw her. But the clothing she wore and accessories scattered around her were of the most well-known brands in the world, most expensive as well. She face, although covered by her hair, was a little less pudgy, less life in it. Although she was lying, passed out in the middle of a city street, she doesn't show any signs of moving. "Is it really her?" Jellal muttered, every one of s staring down at her from a distance. He stated the same question we were all thinking. "It can't be. She-She disappeared 2 years ago. It's not possible." Instantly, as an ambulance appeared, I went into a state of panic. Fatigue mixed with rarely eating wasn't good for my physical or mental health, so I felt like I would faint as well. Medics took her on a gurney, reminding me of that fateful night 24 months ago. "What're the chances. On the anniversary." Gajeel commented, earning a smack from Gray. "We need to follow that ambulance." He said, going into some sort of warrior mindset. It had been a while since I saw that glint in his eye. Even if he had Juvia, even if the others had each other, no one was the same after she left. She had put a spell on us, and her charm would never wear off. "You coming, Natsu?" Gray asked, hanging out the door of the bus. "Y-Yeah, sure," I muttered, still not taking in the seriousness of the of the situation I got on the bus and we went to the hospital.

Narrator's POV

During the commute, the taken boys called their girlfriends about what they had seen, Natsu shakingly informing Layla. All females were in tears as they heard, making plans to get to the capital as soon as possible, as most of them were in the college in their hometown. 

While the group were regrouping, two policemen went to the home of which girl had fainted. The bodyguards who misplaced her were getting their butts bitten off by the man who kidnapped her. The doorbell rang, cutting of Zeref and sending a maid to pick it up. "Is Mr Vermillion home?" The police chief, who had frequented the home many times, spoke first with his partner by his side. "Come with me, Chief Kanazawa." The maid's dull face nodded, due to her time as a 'personal' maid to Mr Vermillion, turned to guide the men through the residence. "Chief Kanazawa, is there anything I can help you with?" Zeref asked as four butlers dragged the two bloodied bodyguards out of the living room, Zeref wiping his hand off on a white handkerchief. "My apologies for interrupting your private life, Mr Vermillion. But we have located your daughter." Drawing all the attention in the room, everyone turned. "You found Lucy!" Mavis cheered, quickly being shut up by Zeref with a cold glare. "Where is she?" Through the stress of the season and workload, Zeref really wasn't in the mood for a missing late teen. "Crocus General Hospital. She fainted in the middle of a street downtown and may have been hit by a tour bus." The Chief informed, making Mavis' face go pale. There was no change in Zeref's expression, just a sigh escaping from his cold lips. "Chances?" He questioned. "It's highly unlikely that she will die, but we have no information. She just went in for surgery." The Chief's partner explained. "Hold on, did you say tour bus?" Mavis stepped forward, ignoring the second warning glare she had received within the last 2 minutes from her husband. "Yes, a group called Dragon Slayers, I believe." The Chief explained, finally, a surprised looked appearing on his face. "Did you say... Dragon Slayers?" Zeref glared, anger bubbling up inside him. "Yes, Mr Vermillion." The Chief, taking a step back, trying not to stutter due to his fear of the crime lord. "After all my damn work!" Zeref yelled, through a nearby glass at the wall. "Maybe they weren't even in there." Mavis stepped up, trying to calm him down before he did any real damage. "Right. Get me a car for CGH. We're leaving immediately." Zeref announced, taking the bandages from a maid to cover his beaten knuckles. 

On the train to Crocus, some bustling old friends of Lucy Heartfilia met up. They all had also changed a bit. Erza had cut her hair and carried a more motherly vibe around her, having to take care of her younger sister since the divorce of her parents. Levy's hair had grown out, the same length as Lucy's used to be. Juvia took her swimming career to a whole new level, taking it to the college leagues. They all went to the same school. Layla and Grandeeney were also there, her new daughter, Wendy Dragneel with them. Natsu persuaded his mother to adopt Wendy a few months after Lucy disappeared. It was a way to remind him of his lost one and keep him from getting insane, although it didn't work for long. Layla was crying the entire time, Grandeeney and Wendy trying to console her as Levy, Juvia and Erza tried to stop themselves with conversation.

Meanwhile, at the hospital. Lucy was in the operating room, blood being pumped into her. "Does this girl get any vitamin D at all? She's as white as snow." The assistant nurse commented. "Yeah, and her hair is too thin. She certainly doesn't get enough exercise either. No wonder she has anaemia. It looks like she hit her head on the kerb as well. She may have fractured her wrist as well. This is going to take a while." The doctor sighed. After that, they opened her up.

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