My Best Friend, The Player.1.

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HELLO WORLD! As most of you know, this is my first story on Wattpad, EVER! I uploaded this story quite a while ago and i sort of rushed it. This story was very poor, but most of you liked the story line(i hope). I have finally decided to get round to editing and adding bits/more chapters as i think this would help make it become more liked and maybe have more attention? *crosses fingers* Anyway, i’m not saying that this story is going to be edited in like, a week! Please at least try to be patient! You know i’m slow at updating anyway, but i’ll try to give you my bestJ Sorry for this extremely long-winded authors note(it’s more like an authors essay!). Here is the first edited chapter kiddies!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Chapter 1:

It was first lesson, English. I was sitting in my usual seat, not bothering to do the work, when he casually strolled in like nothing was wrong with being late!

" Hey!" He said as he sat down next to me.

" Hey, why are you so late?" I whispered, trying not to catch the attention of Mr Willis my English teacher.

" I overslept," He replied, rubbing a hand over his tired face.

" And why are you so happy?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow.

" Well last night i...umm..." Stuttering, he rubbed at the back of his neck.

" Wait let me guess, you screwed a girl last night so that’s why you're so tired?"

" Pretty much!" He nodded.

" You are so predictable, who was it this time?" I shook my head.

" Annabelle,"

"Ohhh...” I nodded, realisation washing over my face.

We were silent for the last ten minutes of the lesson because he fell asleep. I had to wake him up to go to the cafeteria so he could get something to eat.

I’m Katie and HE is my basketball mad, chick magnet, player of a best friend! We go to Greenwood High and we are next door neighbours!

His name is Callum and he is a well known player in the WHOLE town. Callum is my best friend and we have been since Pre K. We do nearly everything together(except shopping) and tonight we are having a sleepover and movie night.

Callum has light brown hair and green eyes and he's quite muscular and very tall. Well he has to be tall for Basketball! Me on the other hand, i'm just a normal brown haired, green eyed, high school student that just gets on with life! Don't get me wrong, i like school but i'm not a nerd!

Callum is cute and everything but i see him as more of a big brother...

So that was the very first edited chapter. Not much has changed as i liked the concept of this chapter, but grammatical errors have been sorted and i have smoothened it out a bit more.

Anyways, hope you like it!

Comment, Vote and Fan!<3

I’m thinking about giving you a question to answer(if you want) in the comments.

First question:

Who was you first celebrity crush?

Mine was Ned from ‘Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide’ on Nickelodeon!

P.s you don’t have to answer the question if you don’t want but i would like to have more of an interaction with my readers!

My Best Friend, The Player.BEING EDITED! Slowly...Where stories live. Discover now