My Best Friend, The Player. Chapter 6.

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Heyy, i'm a bit shocked that none of you wanted a dedication but oh well:( i will be doing a dedicated song for every chapter and last chappie's one was Coldplay Paradise. I will put every song at the end of the chappie and if i can't think of one then i will ask you guys for suggestions!:) Here is the next chapter!:)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


I was sat at the counter top in the kitchen, slurping a soda, when my mom walked in to prepare lunch. Last weekend at the concert was a blast, me and Katie really enjoyed it. I was talking to my mom about it and laughing when the thought of what happened at the hospital popped into my mind. My face went pale and i felt like i couldn't breath. I realised i was truly in love with this girl from the minute we met and that i sleep with other girls to take the pain away.

 I went up to my room and layed  on my bed, just staring up at the ceiling. I turned my head to see a picture of me and Katie a couple of years ago on the beach that we went to. We stayed in a little house there with both of our parents. It was really good. Three whole weeks of sun, sand and sea. We are going back there in a couple of weeks because it's summer break. I was looking forward to it because me and Katie are older now and that means, BEACH PARTIES! I didn't want to go because there were girls there, i wanted to go because it means i can spend more time with one special girl.


It was the day before me, Callum, his parents and my parents were going to the house on the beach. That's what we all called it. We have been there 4 or 5 times before and we have all enjoyed ourselves. So we decided that we would go back again this year.

I was rushing around packing, while Callum was laying on my bed,

" Why are you rushing, you have all day!" he said without a care in the world. Thats what i love about him, he doesn't rush things. He waits till the last minute, but he's never late for anything. I'm still wondering how i feel about him, whether or not i'm falling for him, or if it's just in my head. Hopefully i will figure it out in these next three weeks at the beach. For some reason, being at the beach helps clear my mind, it's probably the fresh sea air!


It's 7:00 am and i'm hauling my huge suitcase downstairs to put in Callum's car. We are going in his car, while our parents are going in my mom's car. It's a two hour drive but i love waiting till i see the sea on the horizon, getting bigger and bigger as we get closer to it.

Callum ran up the stairs to help me,

" You should of called me!" he said, a little frustrated.

" Well you know how i like to do things by myself!"

" your so stubbon" he mumbled under his breath, but i still heard him. I just laughed as i walked downstairs behind him.

My mom and dad and Callum's parents left first to grab some snacks for when we get there. Me and Callum loaded both our luggage into his car and left for the beach.

As soon as i saw the sea on the horizon, i squealed with delight. Callum just smiled at me. God i loved that smile. It was one of those real smiles, that shows his dimple in his cheek. I felt my lips tingle and turn into a small smile.

It was about half an hour until we got to the house. It was the last one on the small, sandy road, number 16. When Callum was on the driveway, i jumped out and was hit by the salty, fresh sea air. I helped Callum put our luggage in our room and went to the balcony. We had the best view of the sea on the balcony. It was beautiful. Sometimes in the evenings, me and Callum sit in the tatty armchairs and watch the waves rolling in.

I quickly un-packed, got my black and white polka dot bikini on, grabbed my towel, sunglasses and my ipod and went down to the beach. Callum had already got changed and gone down.

When i got down there, Calum was emerging from the water. He flipped his hair out the way while walking up to me. God he looked gorgeous! I now had butterflies in my stomach. He came right up to me, our faces were inches apart when he grabbed me and put me over his shoulder. He was soaking wet!Luckily i put my stuff down. I was laughing and screaming while he was spinning me around and tickilng me. He was such a big kid!

When he finally put me down, i walked down to the sea to have a swim. Callum stayed back and sunbathed. while i was swimming, i saw someone surfing. It was a girl. Wow, she was really good by the looks of it!

After my swim, i got out of the sea and walked back to Callum. He was snoring his head off, so i shook my wet hair all over him to get revenge from spinning me around.

" Heyy!" he shrieked. A smile formed on his face. He quickly got up and started to chase me down to the sea. I reacted by running as fast as i could. When i was nearly at the sea, he caught up with me and picked me up. He ran the rest of the way, carrying me in his arms. As we got to the edge of the sea, he slowed down. I was still laughing from the look on his face when i flicked water on him. I looked at him, he had one of his REAL smiles on his face. Our lips were inches apart. As he leaned in, i did the same. He kissed me softly on my lips and then pulled back, smiled again and threw me into the sea.

I thought the sea air would help me clear my head, but now this has just made me all confused again!


WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! hope you liked it!!

Song for this chapter: Rihanna We found love.<3

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