My Best Friend, The Player. Chapter 10.

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Heyy!:) Here is the new chappie, i hope you all enjoy it! Unfortunatly, there are only a few chapters left, maybe 2-3!:( If you are sad, then you will get over it very quickly because...I WILL BE UPLOADING A NEW STORY!!! My new story is called, 'Love is a jigsaw puzzle.' Well, hope you have enjoyed this book and hope you enjoy this chappieee xoxo-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


I was curling my hair ready for my first date with Callum! I was so excited but i was a little nervous at the same time. I don't know why i was nervous, it's just Callum.

I was wearing light make-up and a white top and skirt. I looked nice and i hoped Callum thought so too.

As soon as i heard a knock on my front door, i grabbed my purse, slipped on some heels and went downstairs. There he was, looking incredibly handsome,

"You look really nice," Callum said.

"Thanks, you do too," i replied with a huge smile on my face.

We walked down the driveway and got into Callum's car and drove to the movie theatre.

Callum helped to get out the car and we walked hand in hand to the entrance. As soon as we got our tickets and drinks, we went to the screen and sat in our seats.

The movie was good, a bit scary at times, but i had Callum there! I love calling him my boyfriend! It sounded weird at first, but then i got used to it. We only have a month until Callum goes off to college. In between now and the day Callum goes away we have to make the most of it.

When i got out of the car, Callum put a blindfold on my eyes,

"What's this for?" i chuckled.

"You will just have to wait and see," Callum said.

Callum guided me to the front door and unlocked it. He helped me inside and shut the door behind us.

"Stay here," Callum said. I nodded and stood where i was.

After about a minute of rustling, Callum came and stood behind me, ready to take the blindfold off.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Definitely," i said.

He gently took the blindfold off to reveal a trail of candles and rose petals leading toward the garden, where a table for two was set up with champagne and glasses.

"Oh my god! It's beautiful!" I cried. I turned around and put my arms around Callum's neck. He kissed me gently with his hands on my waist. After about two minutes, we broke from the kiss and walked out into the garden.

Callum pulled a chair out for me and i sat down. He quickly went off to get our dinner.

When i saw Callum emerge from the kitchen, 'Halo' by Beyonce came on. I smiled at Callum and started to eat my chicken stir fry.

"Wow, this is really good!" I said, surprised that Callum could cook.

"Thanks," Callum said with one of his beautiful smiles on his face.

After dessert, which was chocolate mousse, we went to sit by the pool.

We sat on the edge of the pool with our feet in the water, as it was still warm from the sun. I had my head leaning on Callum's shoulder with his arm around me.

"What are we gonna do?" Callum said, breaking the silence.

"What do you mean?" I said, confused on what he was talking about.

"When i go away to college. What are we gonna do? Stay together or, you know, break up?"

I thought about it for a minute. I had no clue what was gonna happen! I really don't want Callum to go but, he really wants to play professional basketball. I don't know if we are gonna stay together or break up or anything else!

"I really don't know," I said.

"Well, i don't want to lose something that i have been waiting for my whole life, just as i have got it," Callum said sweetly. He really doesn't want to break up and neither do i. I think he just needed my opinion on what we were gonna do, but he knew that i would say that i didn't want us to break up.

"I think we should give it a shot and try to have a long distance realationship," Callum said, sounding all mature.

"What made you get all mature all of a sudden?!" I chuckled as i punched him lightly on the arm.

"Mature? Psshh!" Callum said. He grabbed my hands and helped me up. He turned around so that he had his back facing the pool. Bad idea dude! I quickly pushed him into the pool. Unfortunatly for me, Callum held onto my hands and pulled me in with him!

We were floating in the middle of the pool, holding on to each other. I smiled at Callum and he repayed me by kissing me on my lips. I am so gonna miss this!

Callum is gonna be gone for up to five years! We have sorted out that we will be able to, email, text,call, video chat, facebook and twitter eachother so we can still be together. Hopefully he will be able to come back on the holidays if he has enough money! Both of us will have to try and keep this relationship going.

It's gonna be weird not going to the house on the beach for a couple of years, but i'm sure we will go back there! There's so many memories in that place that we can't just let go of it.

The next few weeks were amazing. Callum and i went bowling, went on more dates, went to the movies, chilled by the pool and loads more! I really don't know how we managed to fit everything in!

There is one week left of being with Callum until he goes off to college. This is going to be the most emotional week of my life....


Well, there is the date, the decision about college and the last couple of weeks they have together:'( It's sad, i know! Only two more chapters after this!:( The next chapter will be the last week together and the 'goodbye'. Then the chapter after that will be a HUGE shock to all of you! But, i think you will like it! I'm sucha tease!!:) xoxo

Song for this chappie: 'Halo' by Beyonce. (It's old, i know, but it fits perfectly with this chapter) xoxo

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