My Best Friend, The Player. Chapter 8.

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Heyy i'm back! This new chapter will DEFINITELY stir up the story! The only clue i am giving is that Katie and Callum are switching roles in this chapter! That is all i'm saying! I will tell you the answer in the author's note at the end of the chapter. Well, i'm gonna stop jabbering on so you can read! lotsa loveee xxxxxxxx:)



We were walking in the park at about 6:00pm. The sun had just started to set and there was a small, warm breeze.

I stopped and sat on one of the two swings and Katie followed. I turned  to look at her. She was looking down at her swinging legs with a small smirk tugging at the corner of her lips.

" I can't take it anymore!" she cried with a beautiful smile on her face now.

" What?!" i replied, pretending i didn't need to talk to her about anything.

After about five minutes of a slightly awkward silence, i struck up the courage to tell her.


"Hmm," she replied.

" I...umm..i...lo-"

"CALLUM!!!" a shriek came from  across the park. It was a blonde haired girl with a flourescent pink tracksuit on. Tiffany.

Tiffany was a girl that went to the same highschool as me and Katie. We had a few flings and i didn't think that they meant anything. But obviously she did.

" Hey!" she screamed as she came rushing up to us and sat on my lap.

" Hey," i said trying to push her off. Which is pretty hard when you are sitting on a swing!

" I'm just gonna go back to the house, i'll leave you guys to it," Katie said as she got up from the swing.

"Please stay?" i asked, not wanting her to go.

"No, i need to go back anyway, dinners probably ready. Besides you are to busy catching a sun burn from that flourescent pink tracksuit," she said pointing to Tiffany.

Tiffany gave her a glare. She was now sitting on the swing where Katie was.

I watched as Katie walked back to her house while the muffled sound of Tiffany talking drifted off into the background. There goes my chance to tell Katie how i feel....


I was sitting on my bed when my mom walked in.

" What you doin' tonight?" she asked.

" Errmm..Me and Callum are going to the movies,"

" I don't think you are," she replied. I looked at her confused.

" Yeah, we arranged 7:00pm,"

" Didn't you hear what happened?"she asked.

" What? Did something happen to Callum? Is he alright?" Questions ran through my mind.

" His Grandpa john got rushed into hospital last night and died of heart failure 2 hours later,"

I just looked at her.

I quickly ran downstairs and put some shoes on.

I swung open the front door and walked over to Callum's house. What was he going through right now? He loved his grandpa, he must be distraught?!

I knocked on the white front door and was greeted by Trudi,

" He's upstairs," knowing why i was here. I kicked off my shoes and climbed the stairs up to his room.

He was sitting at his window seat and staring into the space infront of him. As soon as i came in he looked up at me. I knew he had been crying.

" Need a hug?" i asked.

He got up and hugged me. As i felt his warm embrace, i noticed there was something dripping onto my shoulder. Tears. Callum never cried, he always held it in.

He broke from the hug and went and sat at his window seat again. I followed and stared out of the window as he did.

The next thing i remembered was my head drooping and my eyelids slowly closing and seeing the sleeping face of the boy i loved.

If he helped me get through what happened with Tom, then i will try my best at helping him get through this.


HEYY! i know, sad right!:'( But i swear it will get better in the next chapter! i bet you are all wondering what the clue was about at the beginning. Well, it was all about how Callum helped Katie get through what happened with Tom so Katie would help Callum get over his grandfather's death. It sort of became obvious at the end! Hopefully you like this chapter and if you do then you can............LIKE, COMMENT AND FAN!!

Song for this capter: Adele don't you remember.<3

P.s I know it's a bit short, but yannnooo!:) xxxxxx

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