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I glanced behind me and saw Jinhwan standing at the top of the stairs with a stern face. "U-uh... why?" I managed to say as I looked back at Jin before me.

Jin shrugged nonchalantly. "Just cause."

Even though I wasn't looking behind me, I could tell Jinhwan was shaking his head vigorously and mentally cursing at me. "Sure."

I avoided looking at Jinhwan as I closed the door behind me, stepping onto the cold pavement without my shoes.

Jin frowned at me. "Not here. The park."

I sighed, feeling too lazy to get my shoes. "What? You can tell me whatever you want here just the same, Jin." I tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear nervously.

His gaze travelled to my hand. "Your birthmark..."

I snapped. "I know you don't like it. Just don't look at it, you stupid!"

He smirked down at me, enjoying my irritated state. "I just wanted to tell you that I'd be willing to take you back on a few conditions."

I scoffed. "Does Rissa know this?"

"Nope." He shrugged like it wasn't a big deal.

"You're unbelievable, Jin. Get lost, will you?" I spun on my heel and placed my hand on the door knob.

"Wait. Don't you wanna hear what you have to do to win my heart back, Y/N?" He moved toward me, covering me in his shadows.

"Not really," I mumbled. Regardless, my heart beat slightly faster, but I resisted the temptation of falling back into Jin's abusive cycle he called love. His reached behind me to place his hand on the doorknob, preventing me from going back inside. "Even if I was interested, why would you want me again? You made it pretty clear I was just a burden."

He fell silent for a moment, leaving us in silence. "To be honest, I just like having you wrapped around my finger. You're so vulnerable."

My heart seemed to break for the millionth time. "Leave me alone," I managed to grumble.

"First, get rid of the birthmark. I never liked it. Not my taste." He made a face and I continued to glare at him. "Second-"

"There is no second, Jin. No second 'condition.' No second chance for you to screw her over again. Not one more second she'll waste on you."

I glanced behind me to see Jinhwan standing in the doorway. Thankfully, he opted for a large sweater instead of the crop top. I think I would've died if he tried to confront Jin like that, but I still died at the sight of him looking oh so squishy in an oversized sweater.

Jin cocked an eyebrow and leaned away from me just a bit. "And who told you to butt in?"

Jinhwan stepped outside until he was right next to me, comforting me with his presence alone. He lightly but firmly pushed Jin's chest, causing him to stumble back a bit. "Aren't you the one trying to butt in our life? Leave. We have business to do."

With that, he intertwined my hands in his and led me back into the house, closing the door on a very grouchy Jin.

"Thanks again, Jinhwan." I sheepishly hid my face in my hands, feeling a bit embarrassed he has to keep coming to my rescue.

"Mhm," he murmured while glancing at me with a smile. "Want to do something today?"

Fearing the butterflies in my heart, I immediately shook my head. "Um not today. I have... stuff to do!"

I booked it up the stairs, leaving a confused Jinhwan in the corridor and slipped into the comfort of my room. "Stupid, stupid heart!" I began to rant to myself while pacing around my room, knocking over the pile of pictures of Jin and I. I ignored the mess and continued to blabber on, Jinhwan completely occupying my thoughts. "He's cute, but still! Y/N, stop!"

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