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"Y/N, you can't pay for all that," Jinhwan lectured, trying to take back the pile of clothes and accessories.

"Watch me," I challenged. Jinhwan really did need some new clothes, considering I had set him up with female ones in the beginning (oops), and I doubt he had enough money to pay for all of these.

"Y/N, no."

I glanced at Jinhwan, and his expression was dangerously handsome and threatening.

"Jinhwan, just let me do this for you, please," I continued to beg, dragging him closer to the cash register. "I don't mind I swear."

"You just became my girlfriend and you're already going to pay for me. Doesn't work like that, love," he smirked.

"I'm doing it anyway!" I shouted as I ran through the aisles of clothing with his stash of items, making random turns to lose Jinhwan. I ended up tripping over something and landed with my face flat against his purchases.

"Nice try," he snickered. "But if you're so insistent on paying, let me put some stuff back."

I immediately shot up and hugged the pile closer to my chest. He looked so damn good in everything I couldn't risk losing any of them. This is probably why I have shopping issues, but hey. "Nu uh. You're going to get a new wardrobe whether you like it or not."

He sighed, finally giving in. "Okay, but that means I'll stay with you forever to pay off this huge debt."

I giggled as he laced his fingers through mine, leading me toward the cashier. "Somehow, that doesn't bother me as much as it should," I teased.

Jinhwan grasped at his heart like I offended the gods as his face morphed into mock pain.

I slapped at his chest before spilling his items on the counter. "Stop that," I laughed.

Jinhwan soon joined in with me, and we ended up in a fit of laughter as I struggled to properly greet the cashier and pay.

As we left the store, my eye caught movement within a rack of clothes. I glanced over and saw the eye of the fake salesperson earlier.

Horrified, I gaped but fell silent as an oblivious Jinhwan dragged me outside.


"Y/N, you're so slow," Jinhwan complained as I struggled to open the front door, jumbling through the many keys.

"I'm sorry! I just can't quite find it..." My voice trailed off as I squinted at each key.

Relief flooded my body as I found the key and pushed it into the lock. "Y/N."

I heard a plop of bags on the floor, and I turned to see Jinhwan a mere inches from me.

My heart immediately began to race as I felt his body heat mingle with mine. His eyes refused to move anywhere else as his face grew closer to mine.

"I have something for you." His soft voice melted my heart. He pulled out a little velvet box from his jean pocket.

"W-when did you get that?" I asked, pointing at the box, knowing exactly what was inside.

He shrugged nonchalantly. "Doesn't matter, okay? I-I just... here."

He thrust it out toward me, watching me intently as I carefully opened it.

My eyes rested on a small cheap ring with a small jewel encrusted in the middle. "It's beautiful, Jinhwan," I smiled.

His eyes dropped as he rubbed the back of his neck gently. "I know it's not much and probably not the most expensive or luxurious gift you received, but I wanted to get you something. Since you became my girlfriend today and all. Think of it as a reminder of me." His goofy smile prompted me to smile along.

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