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Y/N isn't here in class. She's not excused. Could I have possibly caused this? Did I hurt her this bad?

The rest of the class was a blur to me, and I couldn't really process anything around me. My thoughts were swimming along with my guilt for not giving Y/N a chance.

Everything was just a huge misunderstanding and neither of us wanted to give each other a chance to talk about it. Why are feelings so complicated?

My thoughts snapped back into place when the bell rang, signalling the start of my lunch hour. I trudged, feeling lonely even though I was surrounded by students and a few girls who were clearly interested in me.

I felt bad for shrugging them off coldly, but I am not in the mood to deal with a bunch of girls when the one I really wanted wasn't even here.

Buzz. Buzz.

I felt my phone vibrate eagerly in the pocket of my jeans.

Y/N: Jinhwan... I need you. I'm scared.

My heart nearly burst at seeing her name and also her saying she needs me. But then my excitement abruptly turned sour. Why is she scared? Is something wrong?

Concerned, I threw all texting rules out the window and immediately responded.

Jinhwan: What's Wrong, Y/N?? Why aren't you at school?

I impatiently tapped my finger against the cafeteria table, each second passing by with curiosity.

Buzz. Buzz.

Y/N: I don't know where I am. I'm with a man who says he knows you, and I'm scared. He said he'd take me to the hospital but I'm in a rural area.

As if the situation couldn't get worse.

Jinhwan: Y/N! Stay where you are. I'm gonna find you. You have no idea where you are at all?

Y/N: I'm in some kind of small neighborhood... and we just pulled up to a small cabin.

I paused for a moment, thinking of the situation. Why did she need to go to the hospital in the first place?? Why did she trust a random stranger?

Suddenly, I hit a realization as my dad's voice rang in my ears. "Jinhwan. We want you to get us money from the residence."

Puzzle pieces started to fit together as I sat in my own daze in the almost empty cafeteria. Once my thoughts settled, I marched right out of the school gates towards wherever my hunch was taking me.


My vision began to blur as I felt myself coming in and out of consciousness. I felt my neck's weak structure unable to support my head properly, causing my head to keep lolling to the side.

"What do we do, now? If this fails, you are living in the streets forever!"

The woman's voice was barely recognizable, but I felt a strange sense of familiarity upon listening.

"It will work. It has to."

I strained to listen to the muffled voices despite feeling groggy and sick. But before I could hear more, I fell back into unconsciousness.



I started the car I was able to rent through Y/N's family name and began driving out of the city and into the rural area of town. The whole drive consisted of me worrying about Y/N and whether or not I should call the cops. Was it this serious? Could I even do this on my own?

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