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"Honey, isn't that Jinhwan?" A woman's voice hissed out in a hushed whisper as she frantically grasped onto the man's sleeves to get his attention.

"Hm? It can't be..." The man's voice trailed off as his eyes scanned the boy across the store.

The couple peered around the aisle carefully, eyeing the short boy who was oblivious to them. Their eyes roamed over him in awe and confusion, wondering how the boy was even alive.

They followed him to the register and saw all the products he bought: fire crackers, sparklers, lighters, and matches. The couple narrowed their eyes at the boy and followed him quietly out the store to see where he could be staying.

They blended in with the shadows of the trees, lurking behind Jinhwan just enough to catch glimpses of him through the bustling streets before making his way toward a gated community.

Their jaws dropped in shock as they watched Jinhwan slip past the gates and into the neighborhood, leaving them in shock. Swiftly sliding through after him, they watched as the scenery morphed into one of luxury. The healthy trees loomed over the yards, providing the perfect shade.

With the sun setting just over the hill, the sky became a perfect blend of pinks and oranges, casting a majestic glow on the rich community.

Jinhwan made his way up the hill toward one particular house: a mansion. The couple glanced at each other with wide eyes.

"Honey... what is he doing?!"

"Shh!" Their hushed whispers were frantic and confused, but they managed to hide before Jinhwan could turn around and catch them.

Their eyes followed Jinhwan's small body as he made his way toward the majestic fountain spewing heaven's water in front of the house. Without even knocking, he slipped past into the doors, disappearing from their views.

"So that's where he's staying?" The woman's mouth twisted to the side in disgust and envy.

"I guess. Get the address, love. I have a plan." A devious grin plastered across the man's face as both of their eyes continued to roam across the luxurious mansion hungrily.


"Jinhwan, watch your finger," I snapped as he tried to shake off the pain. "I told you you shouldn't be playing with fire!"

He flashed me the most innocent eyes before tucking his top lip into his bottom. "But but..."

I groaned and squeezed my eyes shut to calm my frantic heart. "Stoooooooop. Just get m a sparkler please."

He grinned at me, knowing his puppy face worked wonders. "Here," he said as he tossed me a new pack.

I silently lit the end of the sparkler and watched as the flame morphed into a cloud of sparks, illuminating against the dark skies. I felt Jinhwan's gaze on me until he moved closer. His leg pressed against mine, warming me despite the cool spring breeze.

"It's beautiful. Now I know why you like it so much," he chuckled quietly.

I nodded, still mesmerized by the sparkling flame in front of me. My eyes shifted momentarily to the pile of ashes sitting in the fire pit, and I felt myself smile. Goodbye, Jin.

My eyes snapped back to the sparkler in my hand, but I could see Jinhwan staring at my face in the corner of my eyes. "What do you want, Jinhwan?" I laughed a little, seeing a smile play across his cute face.

"Nothing." He continued staring at me, and despite inwardly squirming and freaking out, I stared at him back with a poker face.

The light from my sparkler was reflected in his eyes, giving them a light sparkle that made my heart jump at the sight. His eyes roamed over my face slowly, and my breath hitched upon realizing how close we were.

The Last Spark | iKON JinhwanOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz