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I watched the screen fade to black as the movie ended. I looked at Y/N, who had her face turned away from me. How do I even begin to tell her about my parents?

"Y/N?" I nudged her a bit, but she didn't move.

I narrowed my eyes and watched her a bit more, noticing her chest move up and down heavily. Is she... sleeping? My suspicions were confirmed once I heard her snore, the air whistling between her lips.

This girl is unbelievable. She can sleep for like 12 hours a day, and I'm still baffled how.

I sighed and sank into my seat a bit further as I let my thoughts wander back to my parents.



I glanced down the hall from my locker, looking for Jinhwan but spotting Jin and Rissa instead. They strided past, and I found myself smiling a bit.

I've been noticing my heart's release from Jin, and it's been nothing but bliss. It didn't beat when he touched me. It didn't beat when I thought of him. It didn't beat when I saw him. Plus, Jinhwan...

It's also been very calm because Jin hasn't been pestering me either, probably finding satsifaction in his relationship with Rissa. I sighed to myself out of relief, glad I was free of the burden known as Jin.

"Rawr!" I felt two arms wrap around my waist, and I immediately blushed upon the contact, knowing it was Jinhwan giving me a fluffy back hug.

"Jinhwan! You're late." I laughed a little of the tension away as I picked myself out of his grasp.

He smiled apologetically. "Sorry I got caught up in the hallways. There's so many girls that just don't move," he pouted.

I scoffed and shook my head in disbelief. How can he be so oblivious to his mini fanclub of girls? I rummaged through my locker, noticing a small folded piece of paper.

I smiled to myself, immediately knowing it was Jinhwan's.

He never failed to drop notes into my locker with funny doodles or cheerful messages. They always made me feel warm in classes and made my day. As I tried to open the note to tease him, his urgent voice fell upon my ears. "Hurry up so we can go to class."

I looked at Jinhwan, and his expression changed from before. He looked more serious and kind of... scared. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Are you okay?" 

He didn't respond and instead shut my locker and took my hand, dragging me to our class.


As the lunch bell rang, I jumped out of my seat to pee, almost exploding from the tension in my bladder. "Y/N!" I turned to see Jinhwan running after me. "Y/N, wait!"

"What?" I hissed once he caught up. "I have to pee!!"

He looked at me with a weird look and then chuckled a bit. "Okay fine. But hurry up! I have something to tell you."

His voice sounded so urgent I was almost scared, but my need to pee overcame everything else at the moment. "Okay!"

I headed into the girl's bathroom, about to go into one of the stalls when a teacher I've never seen before rushed out of hers.

She eyed me for a second before smiling. "Excuse me, I'm here, so would you happen to tell me where this place is?" She began to rummage through her purse, and I began to panic.

My bladder cannot wait any longer.

"Sorry, miss! I really have to go, but I think there's someone outside who can help you!" I quickly bowed before pushing frantically into a stall to relieve myself.

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