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16 hours seems more like two days on a airplane ride from New York to California.First off,we arrived early,which meant we have to wait two hours to actually board the plane.

On the plane this fat lady stepped on my foot and didn't have the audacity to apologize to me,and I mumbled a few words to her in Spanish,and unfortunately my mom heard what I said and smacked me in the back of my head.

Since my mom divorced and changed her last name,I was seated in the 'C'
Section while she was in the 'G',and we didn't sit together.I ended up sitting In between a very attractive women wearing a tight red dress with her haired curled up-she must've been a model or some sort.

The average guy might say,"that's not bad",and I wasn't.But what was bad was that on the opposite side of me I was sitting next to this man,and they were basically seducing each other with me in the middle of it.

The lady would stare at him while she eat chocolate or so something,and he would stare back and bit his lip.she'll then purposely smug her chin with it then he'll say,'let me get that' then literally reach over me to wipe of her chin (his armpit stinks) then she'll giggle.

At one point of time the both got up at the same time to use the bathroom and didn't come back until and hour or so.

I swear they fucked.i didn't even have to swear either.when the lady came back she didn't look as neat as she was when she first boarded,her curls were kinda messy,not to mention they both smelled.

I have never been in a most uncomfortable position in my whole life.

The flight attendant was a bitch one point of time when I asked her if I could switch seats with someone and she said,"you get what you get and you don't get upset"

I told her "well then bítch you don't get mad when I use my fist to hit you in your big ass head"i knew she heard me,but she ignored me like she didn't.But to make up for that she served me the worst food ever.

My flight was an very acceptable reason to be a bitch to everyone and anything,and I still feel violated even now standing in front of my new home.

I turn my my mom and she turns to me."nice,isn't it?"she beams.

I smile back at her,"yea,very"I admit.
I wouldn't say it was completely a bad idea to move here.As me and my mom were in the cab that drove us here,I spent most of the ride looking out the window,and after all, Cali seem pretty nice.

The houses look way different and actually better than the houses in New York.

"Mom when will the rest of our stuff reach to California?"I questioned.

"The airline called me before we left,they said that they'll be here in 1-2 days."

"Oh,alright." I heave my heavy luggage onto the porch,then go back downstairs to get the others.

"por cierto alana me registrado en la escuela antes."she tells me,pulling up luggage onto the porch herself."you start school tomorrow."

"Tommorow!mamá..."I whine.

"Don't start,Mija."

"Mother I got major jet lag!the flight was horrific from my point of view,and I'm so tired and just want to rest.can I just start school Monday?tomorrow is Friday anyway,so it's basically to end of the week!por favor mami"I begged.

She sighs deeply."alright Mija.I don't like how you just got into this school and be absent you first day,but I know your tired too."

I sigh in relieve."thank you mom"

She playfully rolls her eyes at me."let's hurry and get the luggage inside,we need to start on dinner and start putting our stuff together"


And that's what we did for the day time being.

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