1/2 eight

223 14 10

Later that evening.

3:23 pm.

"Alana a friend of mines is coming over today",I hear my mom yell from the kitchen.

Again,I'm sitting on the couch in the living room,eating cold pizza with a Sprite Bottle on the coffee table,while watching full house.

why is it that my mother always decides to do something or tell me to do something while I'm in front of the tv?

I put my plate right next to my Sprite,and stood up,stretching. I walked into the kitchen,to find my mother Infront of the stove,trying to save a steak she was attempting to cook that was past gone.

"Mom,it's way easier to cook steak on a grill than pan frying it."I infromed her,as I heaved myself into the counter.

"Alana,you broke the grill.",she informed me.she looks at me with pursed lips.

"What! I did not!",I protested.

"You broke with that ball of yours;stop acting like you don't remember "

Then it comes back to me-last summer I was in my backyard back in New York,and I was planning to participate in my old school girls basketball team for school,and that day i ended up breaking the grill;in the process finding out that I suck at basketball.

"Well...I didn't remember."

Mom sighs deeply,obviously exhausted.She turns back towards the stove and turns it off.She then picks up the frying pan with the burnt steak in it,and run water over it in the sink.

The pot makes a loud hissing noises,and little oil pops up,until it completely stops altogether.

"What friend is coming over?",I ask,while scratching my knee.

"A women I met the other day.her name is Judy."

I look up at her"Oh that's cool.so I guess I'll maybe just stay in my room or go to my friends house while you have dinner-"I know she would object to the idea and have me stay and have dinner with them,but I give it a shot anyway.

"I'm excuse me?what makes you think your not gonna be eating with us missy?",my mom interrupts me,laughing.I smile.

"But mamí,your gonna be talking amongst each other.what am I gonna do ?"

"She has a son,mija,and he's coming over also.talk to him."

"How old is he?"I asked.

"Um.."she scratches her hair."he's your age-i think...yea,yeah he's your age"

"I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to come over here ."I whine.No kid my age would want to in a situation like this,sit at a formal dinner.

"punto de atención"

"Fine"I jump off the counter and take the frying pan from her hands.

"But if your gonna have people over,I should cook."My mom cooks ok,I mean when she does she cooks anything you could quickly whip up in a good 30 minutes when it's 11:14 in the middle of the night and you got work tomorrow.But it comes to dinners like these;not so much.

"Gracias a ti, cariño.ill get ready"my mom gives me a quick kiss on the cheek,and runs off which I assume is to change and decorate,I guess .

After a good 2 and 1/2 hours,the steaks were done cooked,I boiled and chopped potato.Earlier my mom came down from downstairs and helped me out by cooking the rice.After,my mom made homemade lemonade.

At this point I was trying my best to quickly clean the kitchen a little since I made a little mess cooking.

"Alana,go upstairs and shower and change!i take care of the mess."My mom comes up behind me and snatches the sponge out of my hands.

"Ok",I replied.I ran up into my room to get my towel,then make my way to the bathroom to take a good shower-which turned out that my mom had to tell me to get out because I was taking long.

I get changed into a black flowy wrapped dress,with a navy blue flats and cardigan.I take my hair out of the high ponytail it was in,since I was deciding to go with a side ponytail today.I changed my scrunchie from a black one to a blue one,to match my outfit.

I spray on some perfume and run downstairs.I walk into the dining to see that my mom friend had already arrived.when she takes notice of me,she sends me a smile that I personally felt welcomed me so much.

I was taking to long to update and I wanted to have something up as soon as possible so this isn't originally the chapter for 8 itself,but I will pickup things where I left off in the next chapter guys !

the next chapter is where Corey and Alana 's relationship takes a turn-if you wanted to know ;)thank you guys for your patience and I'll see you next chapter !

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