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"Hello Alana I heard so much about you!"the lady walks up to me and engulfs me in a hug that takes me by surprise.After realizing that she was still hugging me,I awkwardly wrap my arms around her.It doesn't take that long for her to let go, and when she does I feel so relieved.

"Um hello,and your name is Judy...right?"I smile at her.From the corner of my eye,I see my mom standing directly behind Judy,smiling at both of us and looking at me.oh gosh.

"Yes,yes!I live just around the block!So I've heard that you moved here from New York?"

Please don't remind me... I think to myself,but I know my reassuring smile says otherwise."yes this is true."I answered.The conversation between me and Judy dies down and it get kind of awkward,untill my mom speaks up.

"Oh Judy,I s your son coming over?"

"Oh-I forgot about him",Judy laughs,and my mom joins in.I chuckle a little,and Judy speaks again."He should be coming anytime now-he's coming from the park so he's got to wash up from playing baseball-"

"He plays baseball?"I interrupted.She turns her gaze off of mom to look at me."sure do.He basically idols the sport,"Judy laughs.


My mother clears her throat,and we both turn our attention towards her.So let's get to the table,shall we?"

Judy and I both agree,and I'm not gonna lie,I'm pretty hungry myself.Just as we all was gonna make our way to the dining area,the doorbell rings.

"Ooh that must be him"says Judy.My mom turns to me."Alana,would you get the door please?"I fight the urge to roll my eyes,and smile at her instead."sure,"I reply.

I hate that I have to act well-mannered and civilized for about a next 2 hours,and especially how fake my mom is acting.she never asks me to get the door.when it rings,and I'm in sight,she commands me to get it.

I walk up to the door and open it,once I look up to face the person on the other side of it,my heart stops-not literally,but you know what I mean.Gag me with a spoon!The one person I have despised the most since the move-is this women son.

He looks at me with pretty much the same expression I had-a jaw drop,later followed with a scowl-except I'm the one who slammed the door.

"Alana!"my mom gasp.I turn my head to her with my jaw clenched and eyes narrowed.i look at Judy from the corner of my eye and I see her shocked by my sudden change in behavior.Shes pissing me off,too.even though she hasn't done anything wrong.

"chica que mejor arreglar la actitud antes de golpee algún sentido en su head.your grande no va a avergonzar a me.open la maldita puerta trasera y le pedimos disculpas antes de tener un problema!"

I huff again,and turn back to the door-where Corey had been ringing the bell for the fifteenth time since I slammed it.I forcefully open back the door to see Corey occupied by the doorbell-but stops when he sees me.oh,what a sight.

I give him room to walk in,and when he does he doesn't fail to give me a smug smile as he steps in,which makes me bite my tongue so hard to refrain me from cussing at him;which I usually do.

Immigrant[COREY HAIM]Where stories live. Discover now