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Saturday (same day)

7:49 pm.

The door drowns out Judy's lectures which I am thankful for.I breath in heavily,taking in some fresh air.Being in there with all of them made me feel so uncomfortable.

I have been standing on my porch,just watching people walk by and thinking about what just happened in there. You know,out of all people it could've been-everyone my mom could've met in the supermarket-it had to be Corey's mom.

Honestly I don't know Corey that well to know if he's genuinely a good guy or not,but I don't care.I just don't like him.I feel like 70 percent of that is mostly because what happened at the park,though.My dislike to him might be all a grudge.

But he really didn't have to touch me like that.I have never thought or think of Corey doing that,or think of him that way.I treated Corey like a cousin of mine that I never got along with.Nothing ever sexual.

I feel weird about it.I don't know what to feel about it,actually.All I know is that it had a effect on me somehow.
I-I don't wanna say I like it;or way.

Just then,the front door opens,And I look behind me to see who had opened it.Once Corey steps out,I quickly turn my head back.Before,I would look him in the eye and salute him with my middle finger,I didn't care.However after what just happened,I find myself being shifty and feeling awkward.

But I wasn't planning for him to catch on.I didn't want him to.He'll give me hell.

"What are you doing out here?"I questioned.I try forcing myself to look at him,but after a few seconds I just couldn't hold my stare and automatically turned my head back forwards,putting me at ease.

Corey stands right next to me;close actually.He props his elbows against the handrails,and his fingers interlocked,using it as support to rest his chin.He poses like that a lot,I have just noticed.

"My mom kicked me out.Claims that she'd had enough of me and she needed to talk to Veronica,"Corey answers in an apathetic tone.

I steal a glance at him.He stares in the distance just as I was,except that now I'm staring at him.He looks uninterested in what's in front of him.

Corey's slim,yet tall and masculine.He's a brunette,with mariner pretty blue eyes which orbed around and darted constantly,a-gleam with delight and the vigor of youth.His cheeks would get rosy whenever he's cold or embarrassed.Ive never seen him blush,but I'm pretty sure it does too.Also fairly attractive.

He has a flow in his attitude,posture,and speech that gives a vibe about him.Thats why he's got so many friends.He's a likable jerk.A cute,likeable jerk.

"Oh",I reply.Silence swarms over us,and we both just stand there.Staring across the street-and whatever else we can see.

It was until I tell him something that been on my mind the whole time since it happened."you didn't have to touch me like that,by the way ",I piped up.I sit up straight and turned to Corey.

Corey finally looks at me,wide-eyed and slight jawed.He stands up proper like me,moving from the rail."yea?you didn't have to be a bitch and try to aggravate me",he shots back,defending himself.

I raise a eyebrow at him."Well you were in there too,Corey.I was bored as hell I needed some amusement.For gods sake,look how I'm spending my Saturday night.Not to mention you know I get pissed off very easily,you could've tried to get back at me another way."

"Well-I guessed I didn't."Corey looks away from me,looking back down the street."I'm glad I didn't",he adds on.

My heart picks up its pace."what you mean your glad you didn't?",I asked,panicking.Corey hesitantly turned his head back towards me.His eyes seems pretty mischievous and had a sly smirk on his face."let's just say you told me something I didn't know before.gave me something to work with"

"What?Stop being a wuss and tell me what 'I told you'",I say,putting air qoute around the words.Before I know it,Corey is walking towards me.Not in a rushed paced,he's taking his time.

Once he's in front of me,he gently places on hand on my waist,and automatically I freeze.My heart beats like crazy,and my breathing gets a little heavy.

"You see,"Corey begins,whispering in my ear."Everytime I touch you,you act a little different"

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