Liam -crush

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So guys this is an imagine that me and my best friend decided to write so here we go..enjoy :)

You were at home relaxing and doing absolutely nothing, just sitting on the sofa and watching a movie.

 Suddenly your phone started ringing. You saw the caller "H. Styles :)"  Harry has been one of your closest friends since you started working for the One Direction boys

"Hey H"
Harry- "Hey Y\N me and the boys are here doing nothing and we are getting bored so would you like to come over and maybe we could watch a movie or play a game??"
You-"that sounds great I will be there in 20 minutes just let me get ready "
Harry-"Oh you said yes I thought I would have to persuade you by letting you know that Liam is also here!"
You-"Shut up Styles see ya later "
Harry-"ok your crush is waiting see ya "
And with that you ended the call and yet again you cursed yourself for getting drunk on new years and admitting your crush to the boys 

'well at least Liam doesnt know' you reassured yourself and went to get ready

When you were done you ran downstairs locked the door and walked till Harry's house

Harry's POV;

'Ok Y/N is coming' I told the boys who were defrosting some pizzas and fighting over what movie we should watch 

'Oh thats great' Niall said sitting down besides Liam with a beer bottle in his hand ' isnt that great Liam?' he said and we all suddenly stopped doing whatever and turned to watch his reaction

Liam looked up from his laptop where he was searching for movies 'oh yeah amazing so I will choose a horror movie' 

'what why?' Louis asked and Niall started laughing 'dont be scared mate' he said and received a slap behind his head 'I am not scared just wondering'

'well Y/N likes horror movies, but not the ones with ghosts and creepy stuff more like true crime movies' Liam said casually, even I didnt know that, I mean we would always watch a random movie 

'Yo I have a peperoni pizza and one special in the oven' Zayn said coming out of the kitchen

'Do we have vinegar and salt crisps?' Liam asked, and thats weird because I have never seen that man eat that stuff, maybe plain salt or oregano yes, but vinegar and salt? 

'no we only have barbeque and oregano, why?' Niall said tearing open a bag with the barbeque flavoured ones

Just as I got  a text from Y/N asking if she had to bring anything, Liam stood up, put his coat and shoes on and went to the kitchen to look for his wallet 

'everything okay mate?' Louis asked as we all stood there confused watching him

'Yeh I will be right back' he said slipping on his sunglasses and hat ' want anything from the store?' he asked and when we all shook our heads he left

As soon as he left we all looked at each other 'maybe its the stress with the new album?' Zayn said 

Your POV

Even though Harry had told me to not bring anything I could not just show up empty handed, so with my tote full of cookies and some chocolates I had at home, I knocked on the door

'heyy come in' Harry said hugging me

After I removed my shoes and hang my coat  I greeted the guys, Louis and Niall first who were sitting on the sofa and talking and then Zayn who was taking a pizza out of the oven

'here you go' Harry said handing me a beer bottle which I happily accepted, after taking a sip I started looking around Harry's house, Niall and Louis laughing and joking about something, Zayn mumbling about how he was hungry and Harry silently watching me 

'Liam will be right back' Harry said as if he could read my mind, I shrugged and replied 'ok'

We were all sitting in the living room, talking and munching on some cookies when the door opened and Liam walked in

'its freaking freezing' he said taking his hat and sunglasses off, I quickly run my fingers through my hair and fixed my posture hoping no one noticed 

'Hey Y/N what's up' he said after removing his shoes and coat and giving me a hug

'The usual' I said mentally slapping my self 'the usual? really Y/N? you can do better' I thought to my self 

'whats all this' Niall asked pointing to the shopping bags Liam was carrying 

'Oh yeh I got some vinegar and salt crisps' he said and all the boys rolled their eyes while he looked straight at me, to be honest, at the thought only I had started drooling, those were my favourite crisps even though I barely ate them around others because they have a peculiar smell, that I dont mind at all but others seem to

'I have never once seen you eat these' Niall rolled his eyes but still opened a bag of them and went to get a bowl

Finally we sat and started the movie, a really good true crime one that I have been wanting to watch lately

When the movie was over and I had eaten a bag of the crisps , the ones that Liam had bought,   I had to use the loo and freshen up

Liam's POV

'That movie will keep me awake tonight' Niall said before finishing his beer in one sip

'Y/N seemed to enjoy it' Harry pointed out and turned to look at me 'did you also realise that she was the only one who touched the vinegar crisps, whereas Liam didnt even eat one' he smirked looking at me and I pretended to be busy by throwing away the empty bottles and bags

'he is right' Zayn said 'and now that we bring it up I remember Y/N telling Lou those are her favourite crisps once at the cinema'


as I turned around they were all looking at me 

'mate why didnt you tell us that you fancy Y/N?' Louis said

'I mean you know her favourite movie and you went to get her ten bags of her favourite cri-' Harry stopped talking and his eyes widened while he looked behind me, I slowly turned around just to see Y/N standing there , cheeks as red as a strawberry and a guilty look on her face 

'sorry I -' she started saying and I shot an evil look towards Harry, great now she had heard everything and she was going to leave

'it wasnt like that..' I started saying just as she said 'I didnt mean to..' and we both stopped to let the other talk

'oh shut up and kiss already you both like each other' Louis said standing up and shoving the rest of the boys out of the living room and in the kitchen for privacy

I walked towards her and she looked at me 'is that true?' I asked and she nodded 'can I kiss you?' but she didnt reply with words, just by kissing me back

Hope you all like it and if you did let me know :) thanks

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