Zayn- new boy

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Happy New Year to everyone guys I wish the best for you and your beloved ones and lets just hope that 2018 will be better than 2017 with a lot of good memories

Also I am getting my grades in two weeks and I am so scared😭 also I am writing THREE exams the three first days that schools cruel right?

Well I hope you enjoy what is left of your holidays andddddd is it snowing where you live?
Love you all😘❤

This is a special fan fiction story for one of my best friends _andr_k think of it as a gift for New Year love❤😘

Author note: Zayn isn't famous in the story

January..we all know what that means, after two weeks of no school and no responsibilities I had to go back to my everyday routine

Even though everyone tried to persuade me that 2018 was going to be awesome and stuff I still was sad that Christmas was over ..I mean come on people ONLY TWO WEEKS of vacation??

I hurried in the kitchen and took a cereal bar shoving it in my backpack "mom I am ready" I yelled slipping on some boots , my mom came in looking elegant for her job at the office "Andriana is it okay if you walk home I have to work and dad has some meetings to attend" well most of you think "oh crap" but not me I was used to it, I sometimes took the bus but others walked home because my parents always had work

"Bye sweetie see you at the afternoon" my mom smiled pulling in the school's parking lot

I wandered around the hallways with my music playing loud in my ears , when all of a sudden I was tackled by someone hugging me "Andrianaaaa" my best friend Jo yelled taking my earphones out of my ears "I missed you" she said grabbing my hand and dragging me to a more silent corner "you saw me yesterday " I chuckled rolling my eyes "whatever" she said leaning against the lockers "did you hear about the new guy?" Jo asked smirking "do I look like I care" I gave her an annoyed look making her laugh "you are seriously the only girl who doesn't care" I rolled my eyes "I have to go I have Maths " I pretended to hold a gun against my head with my fingers "okay see ya" she started walking  the opposite way 

"Class we have a new student with us today his name is Zayn Malik" the teacher who looked fed up with his life said opening the door, a GREEK GOD looking boy with black styled hair and chocolate coloured eyes smiled at us, all of the girls in the front row started squealing and commenting on his looks, while I tried to draw his profile, because I had nothing more interesting to do

"Zayn sit somewhere and class open books on page 132" the teacher went back on writing something to the board, I could hear Zayn's footsteps coming closer to where I was sitting "hey do you mind if I sit here" he asked looking at me with a small smile on his face, I felt my cheeks blush when my eyes met his "sure" I muttered quickly looking down not to give him the pleasure that he made me blush by just one look

When class was over I met Jo at the tree outside where we would always hang out "did you see that Luke was totally checking me out today by the fountain" Jo said flipping her blonde hair to her right, I muttered something but my mind was really glued on the new boy and his pretty eyes "Earth to Andriana " she made a robotic voice waving her hair infront of my eyes , was I daydreaming again? UGH!! "I know that look missy" Jo said taking a bite of her toast "what look?" I said reaching for my cereal bar "oh my god is my best friend crushing on someone?" She squealed making me place my hand on top of her mouth shutting her up "who is he" she said taking my hand of her mouth, I shook my head taking a bite of my snack "no one" I lied trying not to look at Zayn who was playing soccer with Jo's crush Luke ,  but I couldn't keep my eyes away so they traveled back to Zayn, Jo's gaze followed mine only to see who I was looking at "You are crushing on Luke?" I could hear her voice breaking "of course not I am not that bad" I jocked wiggling my eyebrows "well then who?" But then she saw Zayn "the new kid?" She whispered smiling "his name is Zayn" I said shyly making her laugh , she stood up and walked towards Luke , I could see them talking

"What did you say?" I asked her once she was back "be ready at six we are going to the cinema with Luke and Zayn" she smiled patting my back and then leaving towards the school building, leaving me there looking dumbfounded

"What do I wear?" I groaned looking inside my wardrobe , I finally found something I liked and suited me (picture of the outfit at the end of the story), I texted my mom saying I was going out with Jo and just took the bus for the place we were meeting up

"Zayn this is Jo and Andriana and Girls this is Zayn" Luke said introducing us to each other "yeah the lil girl that was drawing my portrait" Zayn smirked looking at me "well next time mind your own business" I said folding my arms above my chest, he chuckled and just walked past me "it will go well" Jo whispered trying to support me but if he was a jerk hell no!

"Why did you have to pick a romantic movie?" Zayn groaned throwing me popcorn , I growled and looked at the "happy couple" Luke and Jo who seemed to be enjoying each others company while I was stack with the whine baby "just shut up and watch the movie" I said taking the popcorn from his hands "and why do they start singing out of nowhere is this a Disney movie?" He scoffed , I just continued watching but I just lost it when he raised his feet and placed them on the head of the front chair, where a lady was sitting, she turned and gave Zayn a death glare making me look down from embarrassment, I had to do something so I grabbed his hand and took him outside

"What the heck is wrong with you are you so immature to act like that seriously how old are you FIVE?" I yelled at him not caring about all the weird looks I was receiving from strangers, when suddenly strong hands cupped my cheeks and soft lips collapsed with mine, ZAYN WAS KISSING ME and I was returning the kisses , butterflies where flying in my stomach and I felt my knees go weak "you look hot when you are mad" he whispered against my lips making me blush "I like you Andriana is this to early to let you know?" He smirked and moved his hands behind my waist "I like you too Zayn" I placed my hands around his neck "does that make us girlfriend and boyfriend?" He winked making me laugh "I think it does" and our lips met again

Woooohhh Andriana it's finally overrr sorry took so much time😂😂 okayy so I hope you all enjoyed and if anyone wants to make a request comment down below or private message me😊 love you all😘❤





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