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Hiiiiiiii, well i am back with one more story , this was a request by Shannon1300  hope you enjoy 💜 also vote for this story if you like it and comment down below or message me for any requests 💋


"Honey do you want some tea?" Louis asked from the kitchen, i was too nervous to reply , i stared at the wall thinking about how life was going to be with children

I am pregnant...Would Louis want this? Am i not too young? I bit my upper lip, what I always do when i am nervous

I held the ultrasound picture in my hands with disbelief , when the  door bursted open and Louis came in

"Shannon is everything-" he stopped talking and sat beside me at the bathtub , he looked at me with teary eyes "is this real?" I nodded "are we sure?" I smiled now crying myself , i handed him the small ultrasound picture for him to see, he cried and gently set it aside placing his hands on my tummy "Babe look at the picture one more time" he looked confused while looking at it carefully, I pointed at the not fully developed baby "baby number one" and then pointed to the other "baby number two"

he gasped and i smiled "Shannon we are having twins?" I laughed nodding, realizing that that was what I wanted , a happy life and a family made of me and Louis, the love of my life

He placed his hands on my stomach and through his teary eyes he looked at me and said "i am so happy and ready" and kissed me

Four months later

Louis and I were sitting in the living room binge watching all of the seasons to Friends, his hand rested on my now swollen tummy and my hand on top of his , all of a sudden the babied kicked making Louis and I jump "oh my god baby" he teared up hugging me "you are so beautiful and you make me so happy " he kissed me and we both then started looking for some baby names

9 months after the pregnancy

"Camila please go to sleep" i whispered at my newborn baby "look at Tommy being asleep , i looked at my twins, brunette hair and big blue eyes , before i could say something Tommy woke up and they both started crying, i sighed , i had read them a book, sang a lullaby, rocked them in my arms, fed them , but nothing worked

"Honey is everything okay ?" He asked watching the babies cry and me ready to cry myself, I hadn't showered for days my eyes had black circles and my tummy was still swollen by the pregnancy "they don't sleep" i cried "they don't love me" i curled up on my bed "baby of course they love you they are just being a little cranky " he smiled at the twins "Shannon go take a shower and sleep i will take care of Camila and Tommy"

I had just freshen up and was about to enter the bedroom when i saw Louis holding our babies in his arms and singing quietly, the sound soothed me and the babies , i felt relaxed , entering the room i hugged him by his waist and listened to him sing

i think i fell asleep because the last thing i felt was Louis placing me on our bed, kissing my forehead and saying "you are the best mother to our little angels i love you"

Thanks for reading 💗

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