(Requested) Too soon?

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Fear is an emotion that makes you sweaty and really suspicious, thinking that anything can suddenly happen

Like that doll your sister has and you know its creepy and haunted but no one else sees it

Or to be more accurate, paparazzi appearing out of  nowhere and catching you red handed

I wait in the car biting my nails nervously while I wait for my friend Lee, she comes out of the store all in black with huge black sunglasses and a hoodie that hides her hair

I can actually imagine the expression of the owner when she walked in like this

"Mission accomplished" She took the glasses off and stared at me with her huge blue eyes "well now the only thing left is doing the test"

I took the pregnancy test out of the bag and clutched it inside my arms

When we arrived at mine and Harry's house we ran in making sure that Harry is gone

"Babe?" I yelled "Harry?" We waited for a couple of minutes and searched around making sure he wasn't wearing his earphones or something

"Coast's clear" I went in the bathroom and took the test

"I can't see it you do" I nervously said my hand trembling

Lee nodded, her hands trembling too, taking the test in her hands , she gasped and shoved it in my hands

"Oh my god I am going to be a mum"

Later that night

Harry was home and I had just finished eating a huge jar of peanut butter, when all of a sudden the urge to puke came to me

Running to the bathroom I collapsed besides the toilet and as I puked I felt my hair being tied up

"Shannon babe is everything okay?" Harry asked rubbing my back

I mumbled to him and brushed my teeth, now tired I laid on our bed as he kneeled besides me

"Harry I have to tell you something" I took his hands in mine and smiled

"Are you sick?" He frowned confused as to why I was smiling

"Harry I am pregnant" I placed his palm above my belly, Harry's eyes met mine and then looked at his palm resting on my belly

He wasn't talking and I was getting worried

"Honey?" His eyes filled with tears

"Are you happy?" I asked worrying

"of course oh my we are going to have a baby " he started crying hugging me tightly "A little baby made out of you and me " he sniffled smiling

Thanks for requesting Shannon1300 hope you liked it💖 I am trying to fill in all the details you asked for😘

Thanks for reading

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Also happy Late Valentine's Day 🌹

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