Best Friend

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"Yo Niall you are all out of beer" Zayn sighed taking his spot by the couch

"And this just proves how awesome I am" Louis jumped from his seat celebrating "that was no fair I got distracted by the beer comment" Niall huffed once again not admitting his defeat on PS

"It ok Zayn Y/N is bringing some" Niall munched on some chips

"Oh yeah I forgot Y/N is coming" Liam smiled averting his attention from his phone

"Y/N?" Zayn asked puzzled "My childhood friend, she moved here from Ireland a week ago and I thought I would invite her over" Niall explained

"And I met her yesterday when I came to pick up my charger" Liam said "she is a really cool girl" he adds

"Hello?" Harry greets opening the door to Niall's basement "Yo Harry what's up?" Zayn goes in for a hug and his eyes wonder at the door, that's still open 

"Your friend and I arrived at the same time" Harry says removing his beanie and Niall only then notices Y/N


'Y/N come in hi ' Niall said standing up and going to greet his friend

His friend walked in , short, curvy, with long blonde hair and big brown eyes , she seemed shy but she was beautiful and I watched as Liam hugged her and she greeted Louis, when her eyes met mine she blushed a bit and I noticed some freckles on her face

'This is Zayn' he introduced me and just as we were shaking hands he also added 'but of course you know that already since he is your favourite' and he shoved me slightly before going back to where Louis and Harry had started a FIFA game 

'your favourite?' I asked now smiling, she blushed again and I think I just found my new favourite thing, making her blush

'he is just kidding' she said , but I didnt really believe her , I could tell it was going to be fun getting to know her

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