18 months P1

122 4 0

Hii so I am back 😂☺️ this is a request from someone who requested to stay anonymous, enjoy ❤️


"The fans are outraged, there's even a hashtag going on #JamesCordenKidn-"

"Turn the fucking thing off already" Louis said rubbing his eyes in a circular motion, he was tired of hearing the same thing, over and over and ov- yeah you get the point

Eleanor turned the TV off and stood up behind her boyfriend, she wrapped her arms around his waist and gave him a small kiss on the cheek

"Need some tea babe?" She asked

"No I am fine , I am sorry I cursed but I am really stressed right now" he smiled and turned around to be face to face with his girlfriend

"I know you are , to be honest I am too, but I am sure stress with fade away as soon as you meet up" she untangled her arms and sat back on the couch, patting the place next to her for Louis to sit, just as he was about to sit though, his furry friend jumped on the spot, placing it's head on El's lap

"Thanks lad" Louis said sarcastically patting his dog, Cliff

"Babe you have a text" El says pointing towards his phone, that was resting on the table, Louis took the phone in his hands and bit his lip as he read the text

From : Payno
Hey mate, don't know if you checked out the group chat, 8:00pm at Niall's

To : Payno
Cheers mate , see you there


Liam stared at the small teddy bear his son had forgotten at his place, he would give it back tomorrow when he would see Cheryl

"Hey Liam?" His girlfriend sounded troubled when she sat besides him "Huh?" He asked

"Your phone has been going crazy" he knew that, and it wasn't because of the new video he had posted on Tiktok, nor people following him and tagging him on social media, it was a group chat, and not any group chat

The notifications read 1D boyz , and that wasn't a name of a fan account

"The boys again?" Maya asks rubbing Liam's shoulders "Yeah we agreed on going to Niall's place but Louis isn't replying" Liam went on the chat where Niall was practically alone

He spent a good five minutes talking with Niall and voice messaging Harry, who, was a slow typer

At some point, they decided they couldn't find Louis, so he decided to text him privately on every social media platform he owned

"It's a good thing you are keeping it private' Maya commented "yeah well can you even imagine what will happen if paparazzi get a clue of this mini reunion thing?" He furrowed his eyebrows and cuddled with his girlfriend, who agreed it would cause a fuss

And when his phone lit up with a response from Louis, Liam  thought of all their fans, and how they were too smart to not realise something was going on

_ _ _ _ _

Soooo??? I am really enjoying this plot 😂 P2 coming soon (Niall & Harry) 🥰
Hope this met your expectations A- 😊

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