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---Hussain's POV ---

"Hey, you wanted to meet up," Chandani said.

"Ya. Come and sit," I said.

I went on and told her what happen the other day at her house.

"You kissed her?!" She asked.

I nodded.

"Hussain, please stay in your limits. I mean that in the nicest possible way. She's trying to move on and you need to do the same thing," she said.

"It's hard. I just feel so heartbroken and she was never mine to be going through this much pain," I said.

"I understand that. You two never dated so everyone around you would just assume that it's a piece of cake. I know it's hard Hussain but you can't break up this wedding. She'll hate you forever," she said.

"I can't live with a broken heart forever," I said.

"It's broken right now, isn't it?" She asked and I nodded.

"Then do me a favor. Place your hand on your heart," she said and I did.

"You feel that. It's still beating and your still alive. There's a reason God woke you up today, it's not your time to go back yet. Zindagi mai dukh hotha hai par zindagi mai sukh bi hotha hai. Hussain, you need to understand that broken hearts still beat," she said.

"And if it's meant to be then for sure you two will be together. Trust God on things like this. Maybe there's someone better.." she was saying but I interuppted her.

"No. Nobody better exist. I'll take your advice but I don't know if I can forget her," I said.

"Just try," she said.

Broken Hearts Still BeatWhere stories live. Discover now