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---Hussain's POV ---

Several years later

I woke up and turned around to see that she wasn't there.

I got up and got ready for the day. I went downstairs and she wasn't there either.

Damn, how late did I wake up today?

I looked at the clock at it read 9:40am.

Oh, she probably went to work. Damn it!

Our house phone went off and I went to answer it.

"Hello," I said.

"Hi. I'm calling from your daughter's school, I'm the nurse here and we would like you to come and pick her up," she said.

"I'm coming right now," I said and left.

I got there as fast as I could hoping and praying she'd be alright.

I walked into the office and to the nurse and our daughter hugged me.

I asked the nusre what happen and she said that she had gotten a flu and her temp was high.

I signed her out and we went.

"Challo, we are going straight to the doctor," I said.

"But I'm not sick. I only pretended to be," she said.

"The nurse doesn't lie," I said.

"I only wanted to get out of school. So when the nurse wasn't looking I took the temperature measure thing and placed it in hot coffee," she said.

I just looked at her and then felt her forhead and sure enough she wasn't sick.

"Why did you this?" I asked.

"Because it's mom's birthday and I want to help you out because I know you are going to do something for her," she said.

I laughed at that.

"Your mom has spoiled you so bad," I said as we sat in the car.

"Challo abh," I added.

We went to the store and picked up a few things and left.

Samiya being the kid that she is wouldn't go til we got some childish decorations. I mean it's not a party for a child! But I can't ever so no to her.

We got home and with the help of her friends we were able to get it done in time.

I heard her pull in and told everyone to hide and told Samiya to do her job

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I heard her pull in and told everyone to hide and told Samiya to do her job.

I'll admit it right away that my daughter is an amazing actress.

Aayushi walked in and it was gametime.

I knew once she saw Samiya lying ill she'd not even notice the decorations.

---Aayushi's POV --

I walked inside and put my stuff down.

I went into Samiya's room, since I always check on her before anything else and she was lying covered in blanket and there was medication by her bedside.

"Samiya, wake up!" I said and she did.

"Kya hua?" I asked hugging her.

"I got sick mama," she said.

"Where's your dad?" I asked.

"Come. I'll show you," she said and left running out.

By the way she's running, I knew she wasn't sick because she doesn't run at all. She doesn't even walk, she insists to be carried.

"SUPRISE!!" Everyone cheered once I got there.

I was honestly suprised & thanked everyone.

After cutting the cake and spending an amazing time with my friends and family everyone left and my daughter came to me and hugged me.

"I'm not sick mama. I love you and happy birthday," she said.

"Thank you and I love you more," I said.

"I got you something. I went with papa to the store today," she said.

She gave me a gift bag and told me to open it.

She gave me a gift bag and told me to open it

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"Thank you so much. Come here and share with me," I said giving her some.

"I'm going to sleep because I'm tired. Love you & happy birthday," she said.

I kissed her cheeck and she was off.

I went to the kitchen to put it away and because I'd have to do the dishes and clean it but I walked in to a spotless kitchen.

I felt his arms wrap around me from behind.

"Thank you," I said.

"For?" He asked.

''Everything," I replied as he kissed my cheeck.

I turned around and hugged him.

"You didn't have to do this," I said.

"We wanted to," he said.

He went on and told me what our daughter did to get out of school.

"Oh my God!" I said.

"Ya, your love has spoiled her,'' he said and I punched him playfully.

We both decided to go to bed as well since I still have work tomorrow.

"Hussain," I said as we laid down.

"Yes?" He asked.

"You will always be my favorite mistake," I said.

"Excuse me?" He asked and I laughed at that.

"Wrong numbers are mistakes," I said and he laughed at that.

"Same here," he said.

I scooted closer to him and cuddled with him.

"I love you so much," we both said together.

He placed a soft kiss on my forehead.

I moved so I can sleep on his chest and listening to his heartbeat just reminded me of something.

"Is it still broken?" I asked.

"No. And even if it was I now have two reasons to keep it going. You and Samiya," he said.

"I love how you've already taught our daughter that broken hearts still beat," I said.

"It's because they do," he said.

A/N---》 That's a wrap :) Hope you all liked it ^_^ Dedicated to aryasays :) Do check out my other works ^_^

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