Caskett: Touchdown Kiss, Chapter 15

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When Rick walked in the door to his dorm he was surrounded by moving boxes. "Hey Bro! I've got the boxes." javi said and Rick chuckled.

 "I can see." He said placing Jay's carrier down. "It took some convincing but my old pal from school, Dean you remember him? He said he'd lend us one of his dad's moving van's for free." He said and Rick gave him a fistbump. 

"See that's why you're my best bro." He said and Javi nodded. "Only me bro." He said making Rick laugh. They began putting their clothes and personal belonging into the boxes. The furniture belonged the the campus so they wouldn't be taking that. 

They boxed up the few kitchen appliances they had brought. "Ok all we have left it the bathroom." Rick said and Javi sat down on the couch huffing. "Man moving is hard work." He said and Rick chuckled. 

"Suck it up or I'm gonna tell coach you need extra laps." He said and Javi growled. "You wouldn't!" He said and Rick smirked. "Hey where's Kate?" Javi asked and Rick tensed for a moment. "Oh she couldn't help." He said as he placed the items in the boxes.

 "Oh ok." Javi said. Rick sighed and thought back to what had happened earlier. He had simply held her as she cried, he didn't know why she was even reacting like she did. When she had calmed down, she had gently pushed him away and told him she needed some time. 

He had took her hand but she pulled away and ran out of the diner leaving him confused. The next day came quickly and Rick found himself unpacking all of Jay's stuff. He had been happy when they said the house was a 3 bedroom.

 "Aright I got the crib and his essentials set up." Rick said walking into the living room where Javi was unpacking the tv. "K." he said and Rick laughed. "Need some help?" He asked and Javi shook his head. "Nah I got it." He said and Rick chuckled. 

"Suit yourself." He said. The house was nice overall, it had modern stainless steal appliances, the rooms were nice sized and Rick's favorite..the bathroom! It had a huge hot tub in his bathroom. A few hours passed and Rick smiled to himself.

 He was proud with the way he set jay's room up. The room was already a sky blue color with white molding. He had set the crib up in the corner and the changing table on the side wall. All the stuffed animals they had gotten were piled up in one of the other corners. 

He walked out and laughed, Javi was still working on the tv! "Dude really?" he said and javi growled. "Well Mr. Fancy pants you try it." He said with a smirk and Rick rolled his eyes. He crouched down and took the loose wired plugging them into the side of the flat screen tv. 

"There we go." Rick said and Javie's jaw dropped. "Really!" He said and Rick laughed. "Come on help me with my room." Rick said and Javier mumbled under his breath as they walked to Rick's room. When the boys finished with the whole house it was already 9:30 PM. 

"I need to go get Jay." Rick said and Javi yawned. "Yea you go, I'm gonna get some shut eye." he mumbled and Rick smiled. When Rick arrived at Julie's house she was surprised. 

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