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Avani Dixit, a sweet looking twenty four year old is walking across the cool breezes by the shore in Marine Lines with her fiancé.

[Marine Lines: A locality in South Mumbai. Commonly known by Marine Drive, this a favourite place among nature lovers, where one can forget all the worries just by experiencing the serene sounds made by the waves, giving out cool mists over your face, everytime the water stroke the huge tripod blocks near the shore]

"It's so cool tonight, isn't it?", she breaks the silence between them.

"Yeah, but this place is so rejuvenating! I love it."

"This has been my favourite place, since I lived in Mumbai.", saying these, she closes her eyes to feel the breezes.

Dr. Abhishek Rangan, a surgeon, and her fiancé, was a tall, fit, wheatish guy with his demeanour so strong that anybody would fall for him in first conversation.

He puts his arms over her waist from behind, lowering his jaw over her left shoulder. She realises his touch and shyly says, "Hey, what are you doing?"

"Why? I am embracing my soon-to-be life partner.", he teases her.

Smilingly, she puts her hand over his.

"Never leave me." He whispers in her ear.

"Say-Stay with me. Idiot!"

Avani was a great optimist. According to her 'No bad is going to happen' and 'Good is going to happen' had two great distinguishing meanings. Whatever you say will be taken as a request by the nature. But, where the squint arises is, nature doesn't understand negative words. So, the first phrase would actually be taken through nature's own construed language and thus, 'Bad is going to happen'. And vice versa for the second phrase. So, there's always some hope for something 'Good to happen.'

"Stay with me, always.", he says, moving his fingers over her cold wrists.

Experiencing his soft hair tickle her cheeks, she silently smiles and turns to hug him.

Their foreheads touch. Both of them, now experience each other's warm breath over the cool atmosphere. He looks at her. But she is looking down, completely blushed, for the first time.

"I didn't know you blush too!", he begins teasing her.

"I am not blushing, shut up.", she says with a constant smile.

He slowly moves closer, realising she looks even prettier when blushed.

Her heart beats start racing. He holds her tightly, enjoying the moment.

Suddenly, her phone beeps.

"Uh, wouldn't it have waited for another minute at least?", he comments.

"Leave, that must not be so important."

"Take the call, however the mood won't be set again so easily. And it's quite late now, that must be an important call"

Agreeing, she takes the call. As soon as she starts speaking, he realises that she is sweating profusely.

After a minute, she prepares to run to her car. He follows.

"Can you please drive me to Parkinson's ASAP? I don't think I'll be able to drive with a disturbed mind."

"Parkinson's? Now? Don't go.", he feels something strange.

"Please don't say anything right now. Will you drive? Please?"

"Yeah sure, but what happened?"

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