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Houston, Texas: Sivia DeGeneres, a renowned scientist is checking all the equipments in her lab before she has to leave her office. Permanently. She looks at those clear, glassy funnels, big bottles of dilute acids, the red region (which she and her mates used to call) where all the concentrated acids used to reside, and touched her protective eye-glasses for the one last time.

She locks the door, and moves into the uber taxi which she had booked this morning.

She is on her way to the International Airport, gazing through the the window of the taxi at the sprinting trees outside, recollecting the beautiful memories that she had with her mates while she was in Houston.

Sivia, was a nerd. But also as much a happy-go-lucky girl. Things always used to sort out in some or the other way which she must not even have anticipated it to be. But today, there was again something which she wouldn't have anticipated.

There was a time when she went with her mates on a trip to Singapore. In China town, a place in Singapore, she had met a person whose memory is as sharp as a knife edge in her mind till today. Suddenly a glimpse of that person crosses in front of her eyes as she closes her eyes for a moment for relaxation.

With an accelerated upward movement of her eyelids consisting of no other emotions but a sense of bewilderment in them, she becomes alert.

She starts breathing deeply. It was rather quite strange,but true, that whenever a thought about that tall, blonde person comes to her mind all of a sudden, something really impossible was going to happen.

She senses something strange in the taxi driver as soon as he takes a wrong turn, which is opposite to the lane that leads to the Houston airport.

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