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Avani perseveres to think about who must have called her that night. She tries to recall everyone's voice who were present there and matches it with the one that she received over her phone. But, the match is not found.

The party goes on. Dr. Abhishek Rangan, for whom the surprise party was held cuts the cake to celebrate his success. The entire hall is nicely decorated with flowers and colourful lights, with golden curtains folding down on the walls perfectly. Everyone is busy eating and talking in the small, changing circles.

Avani still feels disturbed at the plight of that mysterious call but tries to forget it and makes her mind to enjoy the ongoing party, beginning with a glass of juice. She is talking with one of her friends when suddenly she starts feeling giddy. She hasn't even started eating anything that was present on the venue but some kind of vomiting sensation appears and she begins to rush towards the washroom.

The empty way that led to the hotel's washroom was long. As she moved down along the brown spiral staircase, she hits the waiter who was moving up. All the drinks which he carried fell down. Somehow, she opens her mouth to apologise and speeds herself to reach the sink. She gets into the posh washroom and tries to vomit out. But nothing happens. After a minute, she feels fresh as if nothing had happened. She realises that it must be because of the party that she was suppressing herself from enjoying.

Avani, though confident, was a very emotional girl. She faked smiles outside but had deep grievances inside. This was the most annoying habit, according to her. To get rid of the effects of practicing this habit, she got a wonderful solution: To Speak it out.

Our subconscious mind comes to play whenever we try to suppress a problem that's troubling us. If you want to forget about it, do it completely. If you just act that you have forgotten it and still have that thing even in a pinch amount in your mind, it will affect you. Subconsciously or consciously, it will affect you. And when this happens, the mind takes on to your body, affecting your health. Some minor diseases won't get treated immediately for a person, which otherwise would, for the other people. The more we suppress things troubling us from inside, more would the body reveal them by its effects, troubling us. So one solution that we can apply is to speak everything out to any trustworthy person.

Since Avani now feels completely well, she decides to join the party again. She is setting her hair, looking into the big clean mirrors when she sees the main door of the washroom open, but no one enters. She finishes to clutch her silky hair on place and moves towards the door, taking her purse along. As she gets close to the exit, a hand appears on the door knob.

It was a white gloved hand. With black loose sleeves upto the wrist that was visible now, Avani realised it was a man. She becomes alert.

"Who's there?", she speaks with a fear-driven voice in the empty washroom.

The man heads inside,"Tell me the code."

It was a shock for Avani. She immediately got the answer to her question. 'It's him? Now?'

The man pulls out the trigger.

"So, you wanna stay alive or join your mate in the hell?"

Avani becomes confused,"what do you mean by join in the hell with your mate?"

"Richa's dead. In few seconds, if I don't get what I want from you, you'll be dead too."

"What!" Avani collapses down on the floor, "You killed Richa for the sake of a code? Are you insane? You know she was your..."

"Stop uttering shit outta your mouth and tell me the code."

"I would rather die.", Avani says, getting up from the floor.

"Okay, goodbye Avani", he checks his aim at her forehead.

Avani closes her eyes and clenches her fist when the trigger is about to get pulled.

Within the next moment, she opens her eyes big, and while smashing the gun from his hand onto the floor, her knee kicks on his crotch, making him scream loud, and fall down on the floor.

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