20. Courting Danger

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Monday morning as I walked to class I was dreading having to face Malcolm. I didn’t know if he’d already be out this morning or if he’d take over later, but at some point I was going to have to face him. The part that had me nervous was that I assumed he would’ve seen the almost kisses between Rick and me.

Needless to say, I’d been feeling pretty guilty all weekend. Granted, Mal and I weren’t officially dating or anything, but that mind-blowing kiss backstage should have been enough to keep me from locking lips with someone else. Technically I hadn’t actually kissed Rick though, so maybe I wasn’t a complete traitor. At least, that’s what I was trying to convince myself.

Providence must’ve been on my side however, when class finally started and no Malcolm—or Rick—had appeared. Even though I’d been anxious about seeing him, I was still disappointed when he didn’t show. Jeeze. Prime example of why I’m so tied up in knots. I don’t want to face him, but I’m disappointed he’s not here. Every single aspect of my friendship with those two contradicted itself.

In my next class I received a bit of news that brightened my day when we were told that Ms. Quinn had quit. Maybe it was a bit petty, but I just couldn’t bring myself to feel badly about her departure.

Since they hadn’t found a replacement dance teacher yet, the class was given a free period to talk or study as they wished. With Mal gone and me not being friends with anyone else in the class, I ended up reading a book to pass the time, but I found it hard to focus. I wondered where Rick/Malcolm were and I was running mental circles trying to straighten out my emotions…again.

When dance was finished, I headed to Geology and ended up running into Connor along the way.

“Someone looks frustrated this morning,” Connor drawled as he drew up alongside me, matching my pace.

I looked over at him to give him a “Hey,” but didn’t answer further.

He didn’t speak again until we were seated waiting for class to start. “Where’d you go Friday? I saw you in passing at the pool, but then you weren’t here the rest of the day.”

I couldn’t help the faint blush the crawled up my cheeks as I was reminded of my rule-breaking stint. I ducked my head and spoke timidly. “Umm. I kind of ditched.”

“You what?” he shouted, drawing the attention of a few classmates.

“Shhh!” I hissed desperately, glancing around nervously to see who’d heard us.

Satisfied that no one of importance had overheard, I looked back at Connor to see him grinning at me. “No one’s gonna arrest you for ditching, you know? Everyone does it at some point, Fish.”

“I don’t,” I grumbled.

“Well apparently, you do,” he said, sounding amused. “Not that I can’t venture a wild guess, but who prompted this sudden act of rebelliousness in you?”

“It was Rick’s idea,” I answered.

He nodded as if my answer was just as he’d expected. “Where did you guys go?”

“He took me to The Underbelly.”

Connor’s eyes widened in surprise. “Really? After lecturing me about taking you to a race—out in public, where at least there are witnesses —he takes you down there. Where it’s secluded and just as dangerous, if not more?” He snorted, though he only seemed mildly annoyed. “Hypocrite.”

“He didn’t seem to think anyone would be down there,” I defended.

“And was there anyone?”

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