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Haruka's Pov

I was about to see Shining when I read this message in my email. Maybe it's another concert for the STARISH,

I open the door until I saw Tsukimiya-sensei and Ryuga-sensei, but no sign of Shining.

Haruka: "Um.... Good morning Tsukimiya-sensei, Ryuga-sensei. Where's Shining?"

Tsukimiya-sensei: "Oh! Haruka, good morning. Well about Shining--"

Ryuga-sensei: "He's on a vacation, on Hawaii. Well we can still video call him,"

Haruka: "Oh, Okay."

As Shining appeared in the screen,

Shining: "MISS HARUKA!"

Haruka: "Yes Shining? Why did you call me out here?"

Shining: "I was expecting you to say that cause! We're having another LIVE!!!!"

Haruka: "Oh! So im going to compose another song for STARISH."

Shining: "No, you can have a break on composing a song. And the big news!"

Haruka: ".........What is it?"

Shining: "Tsukimiya! Ryuga! You can tell!"

As he ended our conversation.

Tsukimiya-sensei: "Tell the STARISH that their going to meet someone,"

Haruka: "Meet someone?"

Ryuga-sensei: "These girls,"

As Ryuga-sensei shows me the one that we're going to meet. There nine of them, U's?

Haruka: "Is that the label of the soap?"

Ryuga-sensei: "Well not actually, its pronounce as MUSE."

Tsukimiya-sensei: "Im so excited for the guys when they meet them."

As I run to the guys to tell them the news,

Ittoki: "What?"

Ren: "We're going to meet someone?"

Haruka: "Hai! Tsukimiya-sensei said that we have to get dressed tomorrow."

Ichinose: "But who are we going to meet?"

Haruka: "MUSE!"

Natsuki: "What an interesting name..."

Haruka: "No, MUSE is there idol group name."

Syo: "Oh.... I see."

Hijirikawa: "And the other part?"

Haruka: "Oh! Right! Shining said that were having another live. With them,"

Aijima: "Oh Wow! Your going to make another song?"

Haruka: "No.... that's the bad part, Shining said I should take a break on composing a song."

Ren: "Too bad....."

Haruka: "That's okay,"


Honoka's Pov

Yay!!! Another day with my friends, practicing here at the roof top. After that really hard live at the New York and at the road. Working with the ARISE, but it's still a success!

Umi: "Honoka! Don't lay around here! We have our own schedule here,"

Honoka: "I know! But you know......."

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