Gender Bend Part Two

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Me: So... What now?

Cath: I don't know.

Me: Maybe invite someone?

Cath: Who?

Me: Faith?

Cath: Too cute.

Me: Akame?

Cath: She's nice but no.

Me: Then what?

Cath: Well, we're not allowed to prank everyone and also we're not allowed to do something crazy with the idols.

Me: Okay, so. Everything is worked out for them. Maybe make a video?

Cath: Sure. What's it about?


Camus: You want us to do what?

Ankocchi: Nothing~ It's just I wanted to give you all this piece offering, a fine wine. It's very expensive, but I would like to give it to you. I have two more at home, and I would like to test that into you.

Cath: And also, we ensure you that when we bought that stuff. We listed some things that doesn't have to be in there, like Not flammable, not poisonous, nothing at all. Just a normal red wine.

Reiji: Awe that's so nice of you two!

Ranmaru: Heh, yeah right.

Ai: Well... they are telling the truth. But, isn't this the wine that most strong drinkers would drink?

Me: Dunno, from the internet. It didn't tell anything about it.

Cath: But so? Your saying your not strong enough to drink these kinds huh?

Ranmaru: First of all, your kind of a persuasive one yourself. Second, we didn't say that.

Camus: Propos porous, kinds of acts of yours.

Me: Uh huh, kinds of Professional idols like you. You know we're your fans too.

Reiji: Wait? I thought Starish was your favorite.

Cath: Oh, we have loads more. Like The Team Otori, Team Hiragi from Starmyu. You haven't met them right, hey? Ankocchi! Let's make a new book about the idols meeting the Starmyu characters!

Ai: Okay okay, stop stop. Fine. We'll take it.

Me: Sure! Maybe we'll join with you drinking that.

Ranmaru: Seriously? Can you even survive? I mean, your in junior high. Does it seem to bother you?

Ai: It's a bit boyish for you two to try.

Me: Trust me bro, if you ever seen my life at 5th grade until now. You'll know how my classmates behave.

Reiji: Okay???

Camus: Very well then...

Cath: *Whispers* Why are we doing this again?

Me: To prank them.

Cath: You know we're not allowed to prank the idols right?

Me: They didn't mention Professional idols. *Wink wink*

Cath: Clever one.

--- After they drink the whole bottle ---

Me: Guh. It's so dry.

Camus: *hic* Maybe because your to young yet to drink this and you maybe taste it as dirt?

Cath: That's a long explanation?

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