Authorcchi's Note

137 5 2

Hey guys~!! Wow! I'm so happy!!

1.15k Views~!!!! *squeals* CATH!!! BRING OUT THE FIREWORKS!!!

Cath: Wait? Fireworks?


Cath: Ehh, well this is suppose to be a celebration for our actors and actresses here.

Me: Well this is my story, so in behalf! I invite them too!!

Cath: But all you did  was cause trouble to them.

Me: Ah! Still! I'm the author! Hey, who's side are you on.

Cath: Anyway, the Announcement?

Me: OH! YEAH! For Undertale gamers lovers and authors who also make Undertake stories. I'm going to make a Undertale story!! Tune in for that! And also! My other coming up story! And yes!! Another Uta no prince cross over story with Starmyuu!!

Cath: Your not going to make a yao---


Cath: *sighs* She cut me off again...

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