Part 5: The last chance

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"How did you...?"

I looked around the field I was previously in with Kyle, Marcus and Melissa, and not the underworld like we were a few seconds ago.

I felt the blustering wind grace my face and I blinked a few times, trying to breathe as slowly as I could and take in the reality that was around me.

How did we travel here? Zach had grabbed me into his arms right before I was about to hand myself over to Marcus, and I remembered Kyle's hand squeezing mine tightly as I felt the gravity...the light...

"You're welcome." Kyle said sourly as he let go of my hand and moved away from the group of three.

I felt a cold emptiness fill my hand as he snatched his away, and I felt a little stab to my heart as he avoided my gaze.

"I used a special emergency power the guardians have," Zach explained, ignoring Kyle, "we have a last source of power to use if we ever have trouble we can't get out of, or if we're defenceless."

"You used that on me?" I squeaked, my eyes widening at the possible sacrifice Zach had used for me.

He nodded. "I used it for the three of us. It's no big deal."

"Can you get it again?" I asked, "do you get another backup power?"

"Yes. But it will take a few months for it to regenerate itself."

I felt a huge pile of guilt hit me as I looked at Zach. I had just cost him a lifeline of power for a few months, something he might need if he ever has any danger. He used it on us.

"I'm sorry Zach," I said, "this is all my fault..."

"Yeah, it is a little." Kyle interrupted, turning around to face the two of us again. He had a horrible snappy tone in his voice.

"No it's not," Zach rolled his eyes. "Don't listen to him Jessica."

"How could have even been led by Marcus? Of all people!" Kyle snapped, "did you even try to stay?"

"Of course I did!" I snapped back, "he kidnapped me Kyle! I didn't really have much of a choice!"

"You still could have tried to have fought. Even if it was a little," he shook his head, "maybe we wouldn't be in this mess right now."

"You're being a jerk Kyle," Zach said, "quit it."

"Quit it? After we've just been to hell and back over something that could have been stopped if Jessica had just been a little bit smarter?"

"I didn't have a choice!" I exclaimed, the water beginning to build in my eyes, "Melissa was...she..."

"Melissa?" Zach said, turning to face me more intently now, "what did Melissa do?"

I looked at Kyle to see his cold eyes, thinking that he had never been this snappy to me. I understood that he was mad, but he just never spoke to me this way. I almost wondered if he deserved to know about Melissa. Even if he didn't, Zach at least did.

"Melissa...she threatened me." I said quietly as I heard Kyle snort.

"Well you weren't exactly going to go easily were you?" he said as he gave me a flat look.

"I'm not talking about when they kidnapped me." I said, using the same tone as he had to me. "She...she came before that."

"What did she say?" Zach asked, "Jessica why didn't you mention this before?"

"Because she was going to hurt Kyle! Both of you probably!" I exclaimed, watching as Kyle lifted his head from the ground and slowly turned to look at me. He didn't look as mad as he was before.

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