Chapter Nine

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Tip for the book; An astric star ---> *  Before and After some ones name means that it is their point of view.


* Tinell *


Before Tinell knew it she was being shaken awake. Tinell's eyes slowly opened to see her fiance standing before her, his large hands lightly gripped her fragile shoulders. Calvin's green eyes studied her face. "Are you up?" Tinell laughed as he shook her gently, playfully. Calvin's charming smile touched his lips. He moved his hands from her shoulders


Calvin was white. Tinell had never dated a black guy in her life. She was very into white men. It wasn't a racist thing, it was just a preference thing. She preferred them, plus she had never really found black men, light skinned, or darker skinned attractive,

She just figured she wasn't into them.

Calvin and her had been friend's through out preschool. They did not get together until they met in college. In fact although they went to the same high school, they just had never spoken to each other again once elementary school had ended.

Calvin was a football jock, and Tinell was a cheerleader for the football team.

To be honest Calvin was a total asshole in high school. He bullied a lot of people. Tinell did not like him at all, but when she reunited with him in college he had changed a lot. She fell in love. Calvin was a beautiful green eyed, brunette hair kind of man.

Tinell always thought black men were to controlling, to demanding, and to dominating. White men seemed more lenient in her opinion.  Tinell always had a large group of friends who always had a sob story about some black guy who hadn't treated them right. 

She once had actually really liked a black guy named Micheal in her freshman year of high school,but her opinion in black men was already warped by all the stories that her friend's told her. She did not want to deal with somebody controlling her.

She could do bad all by herself if it was gonna be like that.

When high school let out, she stayed close to just a few people. Corie was her best and closest friend, who had lived in the same neighborhood with her all her life. Sadie was someone who she clicked well with in sophomore year, and Jessica, she had met her before she graduated her senior year of high school.

Tinell sat up in bed while Calvin pulled on some black slacks, a blue shirt and a stripped tie. He was a car sales men for GM. They had only recently moved in together just 10months ago. Tinell had went to school to be a pharmacist but no job's were hiring. Luckily she had also went to a tech school to become an accountant and the bank was hiring so she took the job and the 13.20 an hour that it paid.

Today was her second day there.

Everybody was real friendly to her, except for this chic named Ashley. She was super bitchy toward her the very first day. Tinell had done absolutely nothing to her. Tinell being new had asked Ashley what the drawer code was to open the cash drawl drawer, and Ashley simply said.

"They didn't teach you that in orientation?"

Ashley just got to work and didn't even bother to give it to her. So Tinell sat there trying to remeber it, the line was growing and she honestly couldn't remember what the cash drawl drawer number was. After awhile Ashley let out an exaggerated sigh when 5 more people walked in, making the line even longer. She hoped down from her chair. Ashley was real tall compared to her.

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