Chapter 43

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Tris POV

    I lunge forward hitting David in the jaw causing him to fall back down, I kick him to make sure he stays down and I start running for my life. I have to get out of here, no doubt David will kill me for real this time. What good am I to him if I won't comply with his ideas? I run down the halls, I faintly remember the way out but as long as I get far away from David that's what matters. Hopefully I run into Amar or Elena, they can certainly help me. I stop a shake my head, running into the closest room possible and locking the door. I can't let them get hurt, this is between me and David.

    I look around the room and see all these different vials, they all have to mean something. I remember David talking about how they took my blood and different things to see what made me 100% pure. I look through some of the papers and see my information on it, this all has to be from me. David wants to recreate what I have to help create a perfect city, I won't allow that to happen. I start tipping over all of the vials, breaking them all. I don't know how long I have to do all of this so I have to make every second count. I rip up all the papers, pouring the liquid on them so you can't read them anymore. I keep doing this until everything is destroyed, I have to leave before they find me here. I quickly leave the room and shut it behind me, running around the Bureau again.

    That's when all of a sudden I'm tackled to the floor.... Again. It goes black for a few moments while I feel myself being lifted up, I hit my head pretty hard. Next thing I know I'm back in the room where David is at and I groan, not this again. I feel a sense of relief though, knowing that David doesn't have anything about my genetics so he won't ever get what he wants. His lips are red with blood, I must have done that to him when I hit him. "Glad you could join us again Miss Prior." He smiles a malicious smile, he must have a trick up his sleeve. "David this is not what we stand for, here we fight for equality and unity among everyone. No one is better than the other, we are all the same." David laughs, "Oh so now you want to be peaceful? Not even 10 minutes ago you punch and kick me and now you want to claim Amity?"

    "You're keeping me hostage, I had to escape!" I say as he walks around me, as if he's a tiger about to jump on his prey. "Tris I believe you and I aren't that different after all, could you honestly tell me if no one stopped you or if you didn't run away that you would have stopped hurting me. You want me dead, you want to kill me." My eyes never leave him, "David we are nothing alike." He starts talking when I yell, "NOTHING DAVID. I DON'T KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE." David raises his eyebrow, "You don't kill innocent people?" He keeps circling me, I make sure to be aware of my surroundings and focus on him at the same time. "What about Will? Your parents? Your friends?" All of a sudden a flashback of everyone comes into my head. Pulling the trigger, watching my parents die in front of my eyes, knowing Al killed himself because of his actions towards me, Tori dying... it all catches me off guard and I lean forward a little. All the pain is coming back.

    I stand back up straight, David knows I blame myself for all of this. He knows I struggle with it all. "I didn't do it.... I didn't...." I struggle to say the words, I focus on my breathing. He smiles and takes a step closer, "You're the reason they all died. You can protect them at all, no matter how hard you try." All my strength gives out and I fall to the floor, my heartbeat is racing and I'm starting to shake. "I...... I forgive you David..... I forgive you for all the bad you've done. All the hatred and greed you have. I forgive.... I forgive myself." I struggle to say the last part, I thought I forgave myself the last time and for a moment I did believe it, I just don't anymore. He laughs, "Oh how sweet, you forgive me. That doesn't make us any different Tris. We're both killers... we both are." I yell and shake my head, I can't get them out of my head. All I can think about is that they are gone, I could have saved them. Somehow someway I could have.

    He laughs and two guys get me up, making me look at him. "So Tris since we're so alike, you can do one of two things. Join me so we can create a pure city... or you can die here. You're choice." I shake my head, "I would never join you David, and we are not alike at all. I don't care what you say or what you try to make me believe, we are NOT alike." I say with a confident voice, he can't get me with the mind games anymore. In all situations I did not have full control over the things that were happening, it could have happened to anyone. Will stays in my mind but I didn't have a choice with him, he was going to kill me. The serum got the best of him.

    David laughs as the two guys pick me up setting me on the table, covering my face with a rag. Next thing I know water is being poured onto my face and I try not to breathe it in, it's burning. I fight against it as they pin me down, pouring the water than stopping. I tilt to the side and start puking up the water, my lungs are burning and everything is starting to fade. I will not join him, I will never join him. If I am to die then I'm going to die with pride and not give into his demands. This is MY life, I'm not going to be someone's puppet.


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