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I'm here at the grocery store right now. Our hyungs scolded me and Jungkook again for playing too much so they told me to buy the foods they want and Seokjin hyung also told me to buy the ingredients because he's going to cook for us tomorrow. Of course Jungkook will be at home because he's the maknae.

I was about to get a potato when somebody holds it too. And that made me looked at her who's looking at me like I'm a ghost. She looks so scared of me.

"Taehyung?" That voice.

"Somi?" She shook her head and started running away from me.

No, I'm not going to let that girl go. She might be the key for me to see Joy again. I left the groceries I was about to buy and follow her.

She's taking a cab! Oh thank God I brought my car tonight.

What the hell? Is this the house where she live? It's the nearest house from our dorm during our pre debut days.

When the cab stopped, I stopped far away from them but she still saw me.

"Taehyung," She said with a serious tone in her voice.

"What?" She shook he head at me once again.

"Stay. Away. From. This. House. Get out of her life. She doesn't need you," This time I'm the one who shook my head at her.

"No, Somi. I love her and I'll do everything just to win her back again," She gave me a smirk.

"Well, she'll never be yours again. She don't even know you anymore,"

"What do you mean?"

"She had an accident before. It happened months ago and she has an amnesia. All of us, she don't know us. But we became friends again because I told her that I'm her best friend. And she don't know you, Taehyung. We never told her a thing about you. And we will never do that. She'll be married anyway. You're nothing but her past. Please, let her live her second life without anything about you."

She was about to leave me and run away again but I didn't let her.

"Somi, I love her. Isn't it the most important here? All the problems before, the relationship thing with Irene, it's just for publicity. We never loved each other. If that's what you're thinking. I love Joy, I really do. Do you know what will happen to me if I lost her? Somi, please. I need to talk to her. I want to tell her everything. I want t---"

She slapped me. Right. She just fcking slapped me.

"WAKE UP, TAEHYUNG. YOU'RE TOO LATE. So fcking too late. Everything is okay without you. Please don't come back! Don't let her know all about the pain you gave her before! Please, Taehyung it's been a year."

"No, Somi! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO SHOULD WAKE UP. God, Somi! You know about her feelings! She loves me! I know that! Yes she don't know me because of her amnesia but that doesn't mean her feelings changed!"

I'm starting to be so fcking annoyed now. She pulled me away from my car.

"You really can't stop huh. I'll make you stop then."

She opened the door of the house. And that's the time when I saw her holding the guy's hands who's sleeping on her lap.

"Somi? Oh you're with someone." She gave me a smile. A big smile that I've never seen before. She's really happy.

I'm such a bastard. I shouldn't have doing this. She's already happy with someone else and that's not me.

I gave her a smile and didn't stop my tears to fall in front of her.

"W-wait, oh my gosh Somi! He's crying!" She panicked. She hold the guy's head and stood up and go near me.

"Is something wrong?" She asked. She even dare to hold me but Somi stopped her.

"No, he's okay. We have to go, Joy. Just take care of your fiancé there," Joy nodded but she's still looking at me.

I gave her a smile once again. "I love you," I whispered and I know that she heard it.

Somi kept on pulling me away from her but I'm not moving. I still want to see her like this.

"Wait, Somi. Don't force him,"

I didn't stop myself anymore. I step forward and hugged her.

"Taehyung!" Somi shouted my name.


"No. This can't be! Tae! Leave this house now! Please!" Somi's shouting once again. And then I saw Joy's fiancé glaring at me. He's mad. I can see it in his eyes.

"How dare you touch her!"

Wow. I never expect that to happen.

"Oh my goodness!" Somi held my arms.

"Taehyung, please. Don't let him hurt you like this, please leave." She whispered to me.

"No, Somi. I love Joy. I'll do everything just to make her mine again."

I fight back. I can feel my lips' starting to bleed. I didn't mind it. But someone stopped me.


I looked at Joy. Her face is starting to be red.

"You, can you please leave this place now? You're not in your teritory. How dare you to do this to my fiancé here in his place? How dare you?!"

She. Shouted. At. Me.

Yes, she did.

I know they're waiting for me to talk. I can see it so I start talking. I know that Somi will be very shock about this but I still talked. I don't care if I looked like a mess talking to them about this so I continued.

Right before I opened my mouth to talk, Joy and that guy started walking away already. Their back is facing me now. But I still talked.

"I don't think if you're going to listen to me or not. But I love you. Yes, I love you, Joy. I really do. I know that you don't know me. You don't know anything that happened before. You don't know me. I hope when you finally know everything you'll still love him. Don't waste a guy like him. A guy that will never hurt you the way I did before. Please be happy always. And I'm really really really sorry for all of these. For the mess that I've done to your life. Maybe this is a sign that we're not really meant for each other. That you really don't deserve a guy like me. A trash, broken, and useless man. Dude, please don't let her go. I loved your fiancé so much. Good bye, Joy. I wish you to have a happy and healthy family. Don't think of me okay? Don't think what will be my feelings. Don't think that I talked to you here about this. Forget me. Forget everything and start a new. I'll let you go now. Thank you for all the messages before. Thank you,"

messages | taehyung (completed!!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora