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~The rest of the crew walk in~ Everyone on the Waverider was silent as they saw the knife pressed up against Sara's throat until Vandal said "Kendra or Sara, you have 10 seconds or Sara gets it!" He announced

Ray looked over at Snart, he was almost in tears, he then looked over to Sara to see her struggling before he finally said "Kendra... As much as I love you, please go... You know what to do!"

"3 Seconds, have you made your mind up yet?"

"Fine, I'm all yours" Kendra shouted at Vandal. As she walked over to him she looked at Ray and mouthed 'I love you' to him. Vandal dropped the knife he was putting up against Sara's throat and pushed her away, she fell into Snart's arms and he wrapped his arms around her and said to her "I will never let you get hurt Sara" then he kissed her

Vandal took Kendra's hand and started leading her away "No!" Shouted Ray but it was too late to save her from Vandal

~Back on the bridge~

Everyone was saying goodbye to Barry and Iris, except for Ray and Kendra

"Good luck guys on your mission and I hope to see you again" Barry said as he walked off the ship, Iris turned to look at Snart and nodded he nodded back


"What was that?" Ray said as he walked into the room

"I don't know but I'm going to take a look... Oh and Mr Snart, Miss Lance please stay here, I don't want another kidnapping please" Rip said as he walked out the room with Mick, Ray, Martin and Jax following closely behind

"Well Sara I guess it's just us then" Snart said holding Sara's hand in his

~In the Cargo deck~

Kendra and Savage were fighting, Kendra was pushed up against a wall struggling to breath, she tried hitting him but it only made him stronger, she screamed as much as she could but Savage rested his hand over her mouth

Rip then shoots Savage with his laser gun multiple times before he falls to the ground letting go of Kendra

"Gideon, tell Sara to start moving now!" Rip yells

"Yes sir" she replies

~The ship starts moving~

Mick starts shooting Savage with the flames from his gun and Ray starts shooting Savage with the lasers from his suit.

"Martin.. Jax get back to the bridge now!" Rip orders and they run to the bridge and strap themselves in

"What's going on?" Sara asked

"Well Kendra was fighting Vandal and he is currently being fried" Jax answered

"Good work" Snart replies

~Back in the Cargo bay~

Kendra, using the club she had found in a box, hit Savage and he fell to the floor

"Mr Rory please can you help me lift Savage?" Rip asked

"Why should I?" Mick replies

"Just do it!" Rip says

Mick and Rip lift up a surprising light Savage and Ray opens the Cargo bay door

"On my count we throw him out!... 1... 2... 3... Throw!" Rip orders

They throw Savage outside the Waverider and he falls away from the ship

"Mr Palmer lock the door, and let's go tell the others"

~Back on the bridge the rest of the team arrive~

"Miss Lance you can take a rest from flying now" Rip says taking his seat back

"Well we did it, no more Savage!"

"As there is no more Savage the we can't disrupt the timeline anymore so I have to take you all back to Central City 2016" Rip said sort of happy but sort of sad "Gideon, plot a course for 2016"

~The Waverider lands in 2016~

"Well... I guess this is it" Rip says "Good luck with the rest of your lives"
He starts to walk away

"Rip wait" Kendra says "You can stay with me and Ray here in 2016"

"Are you sure?" He askes

"Yes, come on Rip, let's go" Ray replies

The crew say goodbye to each other and all give each other their number so they can stay in contact

~Snart and Sara arrive at a house~

"So this is your house Snart?"

"Well yes it is" Snart replied

The house was a huge, mansion like house which was set back from the busyness of the city but still with houses around

"It's beautiful" Sara says taking in the sights

"So as I never got a chance to ask you on the ship, would you like to move in with me?" Snart asked

"Of course, but I will have to go shopping because all of my stuff is in Tibet still" she answers

"We'll just ship it over then" he replies, they laugh as they enter the house and sit down on the couch

"Do you know what's weird Snart?" She said "It feels like I'm normal for once"

"I feel the same, because for once in my life I feel like I'm not being judged by anyone for being a criminal, I just feel like I can be myself for once in my life"

"Exactly" she replies

"It feels to me as the perfect time to ask you this," Snart gets down on one knee and pulls out the ring "Sara Lance, I love you so much, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?"

Authors note:
*This chapter was really fun to write and I hope you guys enjoy reading it, please leave a comment because they really help. Thanks for reading guys xox

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