Getting over you

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Snart sat down next to Sara "It seems like Ray's over Kendra already!" He said

"Yeah I knew inviting them both would work!" She said

"You mean you in a way set them up!" Snart said

"Yeah and that I haven't seen her in years!" Sara said

Just then Mackenzie and Ray walked over hand in hand "Thanks you guys for setting us up!" Mackenzie said

"It really helped me get over Kendra!" Ray said

Just then Mick and his girlfriend Rose walked in

"Mick!" Snart said calling him over

"Hey Snart, hey Sara!" Mick said

"Oh and Snart and Sara this is Rose Green, Rose this is Leonard and Sara Snart!" Mick said

"Hi nice to meet you!" Rose said

"You too!" Sara said. A noise of crying came from the monitor "That would be our daughter Georgia!"

"Can I see her?" Rose asked

"Sure I need to go see what's going on so you can come with me!" Sara said

They walked into Georgia's bedroom and Sara turned on the lamp. She picked her up and rocked her back and fourth several times

"Hey Rose can you grab her milk bottle from the fridge please?" Sara asked

"Sure!" Said Rose

She got into the kitchen and took the milk bottle out of the fridge she was about to walk into Georgia's bedroom and give the bottle to Sara but she had hatched a plan

"Sara?" She called out

"Yes Rose?" Sara replied

"Is Georgia allergic to anything?"

"Yeah, she's allergic to soy milk why?"

"No reason it's just that sometimes at this age you just don't know!" Rose walked over to the fridge again and took out a carton of soy milk. She undid the lid of Georgia's bottle and poured some of it in. She then took a spoon and stirred it in so it didn't look like she'd messed with the milk! She began to walk to Georgia's room when a voice called out

"What do you think your doing?" It was Snart he had been watching Rose from a distance

"I haven't done anything!" She replied quickly

"We'll explain this to me then if you ask someone what their baby's allergic to and then put that in their baby's milk and try to poison them then claim their innocent what type of person is that?"

"Well I wouldn't know because I actually haven't done anything!" Rose said, Mick began to walk over

"Well then explain the soy milk in my baby's bottle!" Snart said

"Why were you watching me?" She asked

"Snart let what ever this problem is go!" Mick said

"No she tried to poison my baby!" Snart said

"Snart I don't like you speaking to Rose like this!"

"Right that's it Rose and Mick get out of my house!"

"What?" Rose asked

"You heard me get out!" And with that they left

Sara walked out into the kitchen to see Snart sitting on the kitchen floor with his head in his hands

"What's wrong?" She asked him gently

"Rose put soy milk in Georgia's bottle so I questioned her about it then Mick took her side denying it even though I had seen her do it, I lost my temper Sara and I told them to get out of the house!" Snart explained

"I'm sorry I wasn't here Snart!" She said rubbing his shoulder

"No it's fine Sara you were looking after Georgia!" He said resting his head on her shoulder

"Well actually you were a bit of a hero Snart you saved Georgia from getting poisoned!" Sara said trying to make him feel better about losing his best friend

"How's Georgia?" He asked

"She's just tired that's all!" Sara said

"Is she asleep now?" He asked

"Yeah she is!" She said

"Well why don't we finish the party and we can then have our own little party to ourselves!" He suggested

"Sure, sounds fun!" She said

The finished up the party and cleared up the mess in the living room there was a big layered cake in the middle of the room. They lifted it and brought it down to the pool room in their basement. They then went into their room to get everything they needed, put on some sexy clothes and headed to the pool room again!

Snart was there first and was standing on the pools edge ready for Sara to arrive. She slowly walked down the stairs and stood close to Snart, they took off their clothes

She reached out her hand and grabbed some cake frosting and wiped it on his face. He then grabbed loads of it and wiped it all over her body. Snart kissed her and picked her up, he then threw her into the pool, but Sara was holding one of his hands so he fell into the pool!

He kissed her lips while he ran his fingers through her long, wet hair. She wrapped her hands round his waist and pulled his body into hers. With her tongue she took off the remaining bits of frosting round his lips and then started to lead him over to the cake again

She climbed out of the pool and took one of the layers of cake off. Snart took it from her and began to wipe the frosting all over her naked body and then scattering the cake crumbs in her hair before she took what was left of the cake and rubbed it over his body

Sara slowly walked over to the water slide, Snart followed behind, she began to walk up the ladder and stood on a platform waiting for her husband to join her which he did. He grabbed an inflatable ring and sat on it, Sara then sat on top of him. He pushed the ring down the water slide until they hit the water and got off the ring

She kissed him passionately under the water only resurfacing when they had to breath. Once they got out of the water Sara discovered a bottle of oil sitting on the floor she gave it to Snart, he took off the cap and poured most of it over himself before pouring it over Sara. She ran over to the cake and took another layer of it off before pushing in into Snart's face

"What was that for?" He asked

"So I could do this!" Sara replied

She got really close to him and began to kiss him passionately, he began to kiss her neck, she began to lick the frosting off his face and body before getting under the shower to get all the cake and oil off their bodies and out their hair!

Authors note
*Thanks guys for reading this chapter, this chapters really special for me because it's the 20th chapter I've written for this book! Please let me know what you think of any of my chapters as it helps me write better stories! Thanks again guys!*

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