The Aftermath

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~The following morning~

Snart woke to the sound of his alarm ringing, Sara was laying next to him, the sound of his alarm didn't wake her,  she was too tired to wake up from the day before. Snart carefully climbed out of the bed and made his way downstairs to the kitchen where he decided to make Sara breakfast

~Over in Star City~

Diggle stopped the van and Oliver dragged out Cupid, Felicity ran over to help Oliver

"Oliver," Felicity started "I thought we got this crazy psychopath locked up in prison!"

"Yeah well this isn't the first person I've met to break out of prison!" Oliver sighed, they walked into their secret base and put Cupid onto the operating table, Felicity then administered some drugs that should keep Cupid out cold for a few more hours

"So, what now? Damien isn't a threat anymore and neither are his so called ghosts!" Felicity said

"You know Star City more than anybody else Felicity, we'll figure something out, together!" Oliver replied

~Back in Central City~

Snart had made Sara some fried eggs, bacon and sausages and put it on the kitchen table, when he got up to their room he pushed open the door and he crawled back into bed, he gently kissed her forehead then he kissed her lips, she slowly opened her eyes and kissed his lips too, then Snart slowly whispered to her "Morning gorgeous, I made you breakfast!" She looked at him and then said "Thank you, I love you so much Snart!"

"I love you too Sara!" He said leaning in to kiss her, but before he could get to her lips she flipped him on the bed so he was under her, she kissed him passionately, their tongues joined, Snart's hands moved round Sara's hips and up her body to her breasts, he kissed her neck and then flipped her so he was on top of her, he thrusted into her and she moaned, as soon as they started having sex it seemed like it was over before they knew it, they both laid on the bed, out of breath, side by side, in silence before Sara said "Snart I want to get married to you, I want you in my life, you keep me grounded, finding you cured my blood lust, I love you Snart I... I love you," tears formed in her eyes, Snart wiped away Sara's tears "It's OK Sara, I love you so much, I would do anything for you... I just need you Sara... Lets get married today!"

"Ok, come on Snart lets get ready" Sara said excitedly as she jumped out of bed. Snart picked up the phone and called Sara's father

"Hello, this is Quentin,"

"Hi Quentin it's Leonard just to let you know me and Sara are going to get married properly today at the old town hall! Meet us there at 5pm!" Snart said excitedly

"Ok calm down Leonard, I'll be there and I'll let your sister know too!" Quentin said

"Great please tell Lisa, thank you Quentin I know how much this means to Sara!" Snart said

"Well a father should be there for his daughters wedding! I guess I'll see you at 5pm!" Quentin said

"Yeah I'll let Sara know that you'll be there!" Snart said as he put down the phone, Sara walked out of the bathroom with just a towel round her body "Snart, I was thinking maybe we could take a shower together, what do you think?"

"I would love that!" Snart replied, he walked into the bathroom with Sara and she removed the towel, he removed all his clothes and joined Sara in the shower, the cool water poured down onto their soaking wet bodies, Snart ran his fingers through Sara's wet hair, he loved the way her hair felt when it was wet

After the shower Sara put on her robe and walked into the kitchen to have her breakfast, she sat down tucked into the food, Snart sat down next to her and tucked into his breakfast "Sara, when Cupid took over the wedding, it was the first time you looked scared.." Snart began

"Snart, I haven't felt fear like that in my life before, you make me feel love like I have never before, you make me feel fear like never before, you make me human Snart that's why I love you!" Sara said

"We haven't got long until the wedding, I can't wait!" Snart said as he finished the last mouthful of his breakfast and put it in the dishwasher, "I guess I'll see you at the wedding" Snart said

"Yeah, one last kiss before I see you at the wedding" Sara said

"Ok" Snart said, he leant down and kissed Sara "I've got to go now, I love you!"

"Love you too!" Sara said as Snart walked out the room, as soon as he left the room she picked up the phone and called Mick "Hey Mick are you ready for the wedding?"

"Hey Sara, yeah I am, I still can't believe the man I used to rob banks with is now getting married! I'm so happy for you both!" Mick said

"Thanks Mick I know Leonard is going to love what you've done, I'll see you in 5 hours!" Sara said

"See you then!" Mick said, putting down the phone

~4 hours later~

All the guests had arrived back at the venue, after what had happened the day before they were slightly nervous but they all agreed that they would stay calm for Snart and Sara

Snart was standing with Mick "I'm so happy that you're my best man!"

"Me too... Oh and this is for trying to kill you back on the Waverider" Mick said giving Snart a little box, he opened it, inside was 2 tickets to Paris "Look, I know you said you both weren't going on honeymoon but you both deserve a break!" Mick said

"Thank you Mick, you know I've always wanted to go to Paris!" Snart said

"Have fun Snart you deserve this after everything and now you get to spend time with the woman you love!"

"Yeah, I can't wait! I just want to get married now!" Snart said

Authors note:
*Thanks guys for reading this far into the book, I might not be able to update for a while, please feel free to comment on this chapter, thanks guys for all comments too!*

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