The honeymoon

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The next morning Snart woke up to the sound of his alarm, he turned it off and rolled over he gently pushed Sara's shoulder like he had done on one of the first mornings they had slept together "What?" Sara said barely opening her eyes

"Come on we've got to get packing Sara!" Snart said gently moving her hair out of her eyes

"Ok I'll get ready now"

"Ok I'll start packing my stuff" Snart said

Snart got down his suitcase from the top of the wardrobe and started packing, he was looking forward to going to Paris but he was even happier now that he was going with Sara!

Sara walked out from the bathroom in just her underwear "I forgot my t-shirt and jeans" she grabbed them and put them on, Snart then walked into the bathroom

Sara started packing, she packed her favourite blue jacket, some jeans, some t-shirts, a white dress and some sexy underwear. She closed the suitcase and Snart walked out the bathroom, "Are you finished packing?" He asked

"Yes, are you?" Asked Sara

"Of course, we better get going if we are going to check in on time." Snart replied

A few minutes later they had arrived at the airport and they checked in, they had gone through security and were sitting in the departure lounge waiting to be called

Sara turned to Snart and said "I still can't believe that we're going on honeymoon!"

"Me neither, I love you Sara!"

"I love you too Snart!"

"Flight 444 to Paris is now ready to board!" The announcer said

"I guess that's us!" Sara said

They boarded the plane and were sitting in their seats, about 3 hours later they landed in Paris and arrived at their hotel

When they got to their room, they chucked their suitcases down on the spare bed and they then laid on their bed, Snart kissed Sara and she kissed back passionately, he got on top of her and pinned her to the bed, he unbuttoned her t-shirt and kissed all of her body, Sara began to undo Snart's jeans and unbuttoned his shirt, Snart took off her bra and underwear and started to kiss further down her body, he took off his underwear and Sara started to move her hands lower down Snart's body, she flipped him over and pinned him to the bed kissing down his chest, Snart started to thrust into Sara and she started to moan

The next morning, Sara woke up, put on a robe and walked out to the balcony, put her hands on the railing and looked out to see the Eiffel Tower, Snart walked up behind Sara and wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her neck

"It's beautiful isn't it Snart?" Sara said

"Yeah it's even more beautiful with you here Sara!" Snart replied

"Your so sweet!" Sara said, she kissed him

"Go get changed Sara, I've got a special day planned for you"

Sara walked back into the room and Snart followed, he closed the balcony doors behind him and sat on the bed waiting for Sara

What Snart didn't know was that Sara was starting to feel quite ill, she decided she would take a pregnancy test just to make sure, she had to wait a few minutes for the result, so she had a shower, after the shower she put on a pink t-shirt and blue jeans then she looked at the pregnancy test, it was positive

Sara walked out of the bathroom, still in shock and walked over to Snart

"What's wrong Sara?" Snart asked in a gentle, caring tone

"Snart I'm... I'm pregnant!" Sara replied

"Are you serious?"

"Yes I am look here!" She passed him the pregnancy test, he looked at it and put it on the side, he lifted Sara up and kissed her

"I didn't think I would want a family, but I do Sara, I want to be a dad!" He said

"Really, I was kind of scared that you wouldn't want to be a dad but I'm so relieved that you do! I love you Snart!"

"I love you too Sara, now let's go to what I planned!"

Authors note:
*Thanks for reading this chapter it was quite fun to write and as always I would love to hear your feedback, thanks for reading!*

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