Trying to find Kendra

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Sara ran into the house and said out of breath "Kendra...She's been taken!"

Snart ran up to Sara holding Georgia "What... What happened?" He said

"It was Carter he came back and... And took Kendra!" She said

"Right we need to find her!" Rip said

"Wait but what about Georgia?" Snart asked

"She can come with us, I'm sure Gideon will look after her!" Rip said before gathering the rest of the team and getting to the Waverider parked just outside

They got on the Waverider "Gideon.. Can you find Miss Saunders?" Rip asked Gideon

"Mr Hunter I have located miss Saunders in London!" Gideon replied

"Strap in everyone...Gideon plot a course for London!" Rip said

The whole team took their seats and strapped themselves in and within a few minutes they had landed

"Head...My...Hurts!" Jax said

"Ah right your suffering from language disorder!" Rip stated "It should pass in a few minutes!"

"Ok so how are we going to catch mad man number two?" Snart asked

"Mr Stein, Mr Jefferson, Mr Palmer, Mr Rory and me will go into town to take down Carter and rescue Miss Saunders!" Rip said

"So what me and Snart will stay here doing nothing!" Sara said

"No you both are going to track our positions and look after Georgia!" Rip said

Jax, Martin, Ray, Mick and Rip walked into town. They were walking along the River Thames and past the London Eye when Mick suddenly spotted Carter and Kendra on the opposite side of the river

"Guys over there!" Mick yelled pointing across the river at Kendra and Carter

Luckily they were quite close to a bridge so they ran across the river and snuck up behind Carter and Kendra. Carter dragged Kendra into on of the London eye pods, they walked to the back of the pod and the team walked on silently sneaking up on them, the doors then closed behind them

"Isn't this beautiful Kendra!" Carter said

"It is and being with you makes this view even better!" Kendra said

The team all looked at Ray who was shocked into silence

"I love you Carter!" Kendra said

"I love you too my baby Chay-ara!" Carter said

Carter leaned in and kissed Kendra passionately. They turned around to look out the back of the pod

They both saw the team. Kendra looked at Ray

"Ray...what are you doing here?" She asked

"I don't care anymore, I thought you were my girlfriend!" Ray said visibly upset

They got off the London eye and got straight onto the Waverider. Ray walked straight into his room with Snart close behind

"What's wrong Ray?" Snart asked

"Kendra... She's going out with Carter and they don't want to come back!" Ray said starting to well up

Sara walked into Ray's room holding Georgia in her arms "Wait so Kendra's not coming back?" She said surprised

"No...She's not!" Ray said

"Come here Ray!" Sara said passing Georgia over to Snart and offering Ray a hug, Ray accepted

"Thanks you guys I feel better now!" He said before Snart and Sara left the room

"So what now, we can't just give up we never have but also... We can't force Kendra to do something she doesn't want to do, trust me it never ends well!" Sara said

"Well I don't think we can do anything!" Snart said "She's with her soulmate they are destined!"

"Well what do you think Georgia?" Sara said

Georgia made a grumbling noise before saying "Mama!"

"Did she just say that?!" Sara said excitedly

"Yes she did!" Snart replied

They walked into the med bay putting Georgia into her crib. Gideon strapped her in, Snart and Sara walked to the bridge

"So what now Rip?" Mick asked

"Well...Um...Gideon?" Rip said

"Yes Captain Hunter!" Gideon replied

"What now?" Rip asked

"Well they both seem happy and in love so there really is nothing we can do we have to leave them and hope they'll come back!" Gideon said

"Well Mr Rory there is your answer, I'll get you all back home and hope for the best!" Rip said

Before they knew it they were all back in Central City and they were all home too!

Snart and Sara and Georgia walked into their house, they placed Georgia in her crib and they closed the door, they then walked into their bedroom

"Hey, Sara how do you feel?" Snart asked rubbing Sara's arm gently

"I'm ok I guess it's just that I'm really gonna miss Kendra, she was my first friend on the mission and she's also Georgia's godmother!" Sara said

Snart looked deeply into Sara's eyes and as she spoke he slowly leaned in and just as she finished her sentence his lips brushed slowly against hers. Their tongues wrapped round each other and their lips moved in sync. Snart's hands slowly moved down her back taking off her clothes as he went. After she was sitting on the bed completely naked he took off his clothes. She got onto all fours and Snart began to thrust into her. She moaned. He lifted her up and pinned her to the wall where their lips moved in sync, she savoured the taste of his lips, she then put her hands onto the wall, Snart then grabbed her boobs and thrusted into her again. About a minute later Sara laid on the bed flat on her back and began to suck his dick. He then began to penetrate her deeply with both his dick and his fingers!

"I love you Snart!" She said out of breath

"I love you too babe!" He said slowly getting his breath back

Authors note
*Thanks for reading guys I know I haven't updated in a while but I will be trying to write another chapter by Friday!! Thanks for all the continued support you have been giving me it has really helped me! If anyone wants to get in contact with me please leave a message for me on my board or the comments or if you want to privately message me feel free!  Once again thanks for the support I really love hearing it!*

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