Chapter 1

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"Sang! Customer at table eight!" Mrs. Kim hollered across the busy Manhattan diner.

A petite blonde haired girl and vintage clothing answered, "On it!"

The girl, Sang, rushed across the dinner in her worn boots, notepad in hand. She was in such a hurry, she didn't notice she ran into a wall of steel.

"Oomf! I-I'm so sorry sir!" she yelped, falling to the floor.

"Is it customary here to literally run into customers here, miss?" said a cold steely voice.

Sang scrambled to her feet as she responded, "No, sir," with her head bowed. How could she have run into him! And his really large body guard! She recognized their suit labels as Armani, but Icy and Steely's was dark gray while Dark and Broody's was pitch black. If she had to pick someone not to run into an alley with, it would definitely be Dark and Broody. His golden hoop in his ear caught the early morning light and his almost black eyes made her shiver.

She didn't even dare look at Icy and Steely.

The cold voice continues, "Well, then my companion and I would appreciate it if you led us to our table. We are very busy men you see, with no time to spend speaking with the help."

She was shocked. How dare Icy and Steely refer to her as the help! She was their waitress! She could spit into their pancakes if she wanted and they would never know! And how rude to barge in and demand a table while insulting her! Sang wanted to smack both of them with her menus, but one look at Dark and Broody reminded her that it was probably best to just give them a table and hope they left quickly. The two men reminded her too much of the society she tried to leave behind.

"Y-yes this way sirs."

Sang felt self-conscious the entire way she led them to her table. She could feel both their gazes, one icy and one burning, drilling holes into her back.

After they were seated, Sang placed two menus before the two men, and promised to come back for their drink orders, before rushing into the kitchen. What a way to start a Monday morning! She still had five other tables to serve, but because of those two assholes, she was shaking too much to do anything else, much less pour a cup of coffee.

With a deep breath, she made the rest of her table rounds before finally coming back to the asshole table. As she came into the view of their table, Icy and Steely looked up and Sang was frozen. His face... It was utterly complete perfection. His steel gray eyes matched his voice, and his face was so expressionless, it looked as if it had been chiseled perfectly out of granite. He was so handsome she just wanted to-

Wait. This is the asshole that called you the stupid help remember, Sang?

"What can I get you two gentlemen to drink?" Sang felt relieved that her voice came out strong, without giving any indication how much these men shook her up inside.

"I will have a black coffee, no cream or sugar," Icy and Steely replied, without even looking up from the menu.

"I'll have some herbal tea," Dark and Broody said in the gruffest, grumpiest voice possible. Well, if I was the bodyguard for an asshole like Icy and Steely, I wouldn't be in the best mood either  Sang thought as she walked away. Her heart was pounding in her ears. Why am I so affected by them?

Suddenly, a hand grabbed her wrist causing her to jump. I guess I'm still not used to people touching me. Sang spun around to come face to face with cold gray eyes.

"I said, we are ready to order."

"O-oh of course sirs. What can I get for you?"

After taking both of their orders, Sang rushed back to kitchen, for the second time that hour, and not to fetch plates of food. What is happening to me?

The rest of her shift finished without a hitch. She traded tables with another girl named Laura. Laura had platinum blonde hair and a very endowed chest, that all men loved to stare at as she poured their coffee. Icy and Steely and Dark and Broody looked like they needed a woman like Laura. Not a plain, ugly girl in grandma clothing.

Sang clocked out and left the back of the diner after saying bye to Mrs. Kim. She loved Mrs. Kim for offering her a job when no one else would, and for being her surrogate mother for the past two years.

She finished walking the eight blocks to her small apartment Brooklyn. Stepping over the homeless man who always inhibited the stairs leading to her 5th floor apartment, Sang shoved her keys into door of her home. If you could call a small kitchenette, little living room, and closet bedroom a home. But to Sang, it was heaven. No more nightmares, no more evil people hidden behind beautiful masks. It was an honest living.

After being on shift for the past 8 hours and dealing with some not so pleasant customers this morning, all Sang wanted to do was sleep. She stripped off her work uniform to her bra and panties, and climbed under the covers.

Steely grey eyes and gruff voices starred in her dreams that night.

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