Chapter 11

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The past few days have been a blur. To think, less than a week ago, I was job hunting in Manhattan, trying to find a job to pay rent at my less-than-stellar apartment. And now, I am living in the penthouse suite with my boss. MY BOSS. And his eight other hot friends who just all happen to run the company. No big deal.

Is it a requirement to be hot to be CEO's?

What are you thinking Sang? They are off limits. Off limits.

And plus, no one would ever want a plain, pasty, twiggy, and good-for-nothing street girl. You are just their charity case, probably going to parade you around for a media circus to soften their CEO image, and then dump you back where you came from.

I am so busy wallowing in my thoughts, I don't realize someone is knocking on my door. My room is right next to Owe- I mean Mr. Blackbourne's, and for some reason it is decorated exactly to my taste. The room is warm and cozy, in comparison to the cool granite and steel that seem to overwhelm this penthouse. My bed is situated in the corner with bookshelves, a dresser, and a desk along the walls with my special trunk situated at the foot of my bed. This room is already a thousand times better than the room I lived in Illinois, Charleston, and Brooklyn.

"Sang? Sang? It's Gabriel. You need to get up sweetcheeks, today's your fucking orientation!" I hear a singsong voice outside my door.

Flustered at his voice and worried that the others are waiting for me, I tumble out of bed... only to end up lying on the floor.

"Sang? Are you okay? You better not have fallen off the fucking bed again, shit we just need to get you a sleeping bag so you can just sleep on the floor..." he mumbles through the door.

"No it's ok, I uh just was startled by your voice I didn't mean to-"

"You fucking scared her you dipshit? She could have hit her head!" I hear North boom, followed by an audible smack.

"No you bastard! I knocked first and then fucking spoke! And don't fucking hit me and shit it wasn't my goddamned fault!" Gabriel retorts.

"Guys, guys," says a voice that sounds like Nathan's, "Just let her wake up in peace."

"She would have if this little fucker didn't-"

I swing the door open, "Hi guys I actually I'm just uh really clumsy it really isn't his fault, North," I say looking at the grumpy lump, "And it's okay Gabriel I like a wake up call," I finish looking into his baby blues.

Instead of reassuring them, my words seem to have the opposite effect, as they all stand gaping at me. Self consciously, I cross my arms and try to make myself small as possible under their gazes. I know my morning hair isn't a pretty sight but I didn't know it was that bad...

After what seems like eternity, Nathan finally clears his throat and says, "Uh... um is that Owen's shirt?" as they all zero in on what I am wearing.

I look down at what I am wearing, and he's right. I am in someone's shirt, I'm guessing Owen's. It's a gray v-neck that reaches my mid thighs, luckily covering everything, since it doesn't feel like I am wearing pants. How did I get in this?

Oh yeah, after our shopping trip yesterday, I was so tired, I barely stumbled into bed, and I vaguely remember someone handing me pajamas. In my sleepy haze, I took whatever was given to me and tugged it on before tugging the covers up to my chin.

"I uh guess so? I don't know. Someone gave it to me after we got back from our shopping trip yesterday, Gabriel," I say looking into his eyes.

I feel a wave of worry crash over me as a wrinkle appears between his eyebrows on his beautiful face.

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