Chapter 10

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Biggest. Mistake. Of. My. Life.

Remind me to never go shopping with Gabriel again.

We have hit no less than 30 stores, spent no less than a gazillion million billion trillion dollars, and emptied half of the stores in New York. Okay, maybe this is an exaggeration. Except for the store part. We really are in our 31st store.

Last night, I met eight incredible guys, got a $300,000 a year job, and a new place to live. Granted, all this was because of a certain steely-eyed jerk, but he was a small price to pay for a fresh start and yummy guys.

Yummy guys? Sang what are you thinking?

"Sang! Sang! Try these on," Gabriel told me, throwing a pile of clothes at me. The mass of clothes hit my chest with the strength of a football.

"Gabriel, I don't need this much clothes! I just need a couple things for a week and I can reuse outfits from week to week," I pleaded. I knew I couldn't pay for all these clothes. Granted, Victor has been swiping his black credit card at every store, but I planned on paying him back for every penny he spent on me.

I sent Victor my best SOS eyes but he just smirked and shrug as if to say "We went through this, now it's your turn."

"Nuh uh sweetie. I went through all this trouble to pick out cute outfits for your sweet ass, the least you could do is try them on for me. Please?" Gave pouted while giving me doggy eyes.

I blushed. Did he really think my butt was sweet? Flustered, I blindly walked into the changing room with the North-sized pile of clothes.

Thank goodness. He was handing me Silas-sized piles earlier.

I slipped into comfy yoga pants and a matching tank top. What?

"Uh Gabriel? Are you sure you handed me the right things? These are pajamas!" I hollered.

"Just put them on, Trouble!"

I shrugged. I guess this was refreshing after all the heels, skirts, pantsuits, and dressed I was being stuffed into earlier.

I drew back the changing room carpet to see Victor and Gabriel lounging on the pink sofas, and Gabriel's eyes flitted to me.

"Ooh that's nice, Trouble. You need some comfy lounge clothes for when you are in the apartment."

I didn't see the point in buying new lounge clothes. No one would see me, so why couldn't I just wear my old clothes. I told Gabriel this and he just laughed.

"Well, you are living with your employer, so you still need to look nice, and hey where is Vic?"

Gabriel's words made me think. Why hadn't I thought of that before? I was going to be living with Owen Blackbourne! Even my lounge wear had to be perfect! I couldn't just wear old baggy shirts anymore, I had to look like a model! In my own home!

Before I knew it, I was being shoved into more lounge wear sets, panty sets, and jackets. I blushed heavily as Gabriel held bras up against me to choose the sizes and when Victor thumbed through the drawers and drawers of skimpy underwear. Who knew that a piece of string can be passed off as underwear?

As we stood in line to pay for all of our purchases, I could feel people's eyes watching us. Women looked at Victor and Gabriel with awe and tittered with their friends as they checked them out. But, when their eyes fell upon me, immediate looks of disgust graced their faces.

I scooted closer behind Victor, and he looked down at me before smiling a little and placing a hand on my lower back. His hand felt like a hot iron and I couldn't help but feel hyper aware of his presence. Much to my surprise, I didn't completely hate Victor's touch.

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