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Hi. My name is Heather and I am 16 and a junior in high school. I live in Philadelphia Pennsylvania with my family which consists of my dad mom and two sisters. I spent the first 13 years of my life in a small coastal town in Maine. The town right next store to where my father grew up. I spent these 13 years living with my real family. I had a mom, dad, two sisters and a brother then one summer night everything changed. You see they all died in a car crash. A car crash I wasn't in.


"Heather Jessica needs you in the main office." Izzy my camp counselor said to me

"Okay coming."

I made my way to the main office and when I got in there Jessica had a very grave expression on her face.

"Heather I have some bad news."

"What is it?" I asked

"Your whole family died last night in a car crash. They were driving home from dinner and a drunk driver hit them and they went flying and everyone died on impact. I am so sorry."

Tears started streaming down my face. All I could think was how this was all a dream no more like a nightmare.

"We are going to pack all of your stuff and you are going home tomorrow."

"Who is coming to get me?" I tried to stay strong but my voice cracked

"Anyone of the counselors you choose will bring you home. We called all of your family and none of them want to come pick you up. They also want nothing to do with you."

"So none of my family wants anything to do with me? Why?"

"You father's side of the family said they never liked you anyway and your mother's side said you looked to much like her and would always bring them pain."

"What I am I going to do? Where am I supposed to go?"

"I don't know but I am sure you will figure it out."

"But don't you have to leave me in the custody of a family member or friend?"

"We are leaving you with your neighbors The Cottis. Who do you want to take you?"

"Can Hunter take me?"

"Of course she can take you. Again Heather I am truly sorry."

"It's okay it is not your fault. Thank you so much for letting me come to this summer camp it has truly been life changing it has made me a better person."

"Goodbye Heather."

"Goodbye Jessica"

And just like that I had lost everything. I went up to my cabin and told my cabin mates and they hugged me as I cried. After staying like that for a while I started to pack my stuff. Once I was done we went to evening program. I put on a smile and had fun at my last night at camp forever. After we went back to the cabin and I cried myself to sleep.

The next morning Hunter and I drove a little over 2 hours back to my neighbor's house. They set me up in the second living room. After they left me alone I cried and cried. I did this for the next week and before I knew it it was time for the funeral. I dressed in all black and we drove to the cemetery near the ocean. I wanted them to be buried near our family's favorite place the beach. Lots of  people came my family was very popular around the area. Lots of my dad's old players came including the Myers brothers Nolan and Paxton. I was surprised that they could make time to come because of coaching. My parent's families completely ignored me they wouldn't even give me a second glance. After the funeral I stayed and sat by their graves and cried. I heard footsteps behind me so I turned around and saw Nolan and Paxton. They sat next to me one on both side of me.

"Heather we are so sorry for your loss" Nolan said the words I had been hearing all day.

"It's not your fault. There is nothing you or anyone else can do." Tears were is streaming down my face. They both hugged me trying to comfort me.

"Well there is one thing we can do." Nolan commented

"And what is that? I have lost everything my family my home my life and worst of all no one wants me."

"Heather someone always want you. And for one thing we would like to give a home and with that a family." Paxton said

"How can you give me those things. Unless you know someone that wants a 13 year old girl who is screwed up and broken there is nothing you can do."

"Well there just so happens to be family who wants to adopt a lovely 13 year old girl and they don't care if there is anything wrong with her. But they happen to live in Philadelphia. The father is the associate head coach for The University Pennsylvania and has a wife that is a middle school teacher and two little girls named Ava and Kenzi." Paxton replies with.

" That sounds a lot like a family I know."

"It does well maybe it is the family you are thinking of. Why don't you tell who you are thinking of." Nolan says

"Well it sounds a lot like Paxton's family.....But are you sure you want to adopt me? I am screwed up and a mess."

"Heather we want to get you out of that mess and we want to give you a life you deserve. Your father did so much for us. He was a great mentor to Pax and me. He came and traveled to our games and took the family. Remember that time you Wade and your dad came to the lacrosse camp that one summer?" I nodded."I don't know many high school coaches that would attend one of their old players' camps and travel from Maine to Ohio and on top of that bring along their children. Heather you are so special and if you are half the person your father was you will be an amazing addition to the Myers family." Nolan said.

"We want to give you a wonderful life. A life filled with happiness laughter love and joy." Paxton added. "So what do you say will you let Lauren and me adopt you."

"There is no other family I rather become apart of."

End of Flashback
And that is how I ended up with the Myers and living in Philadelphia. And this is my story.

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