Chapter 2

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Walking into my first day of junior year everyone's eyes were on me. Shocked seeing me in a immobilizer and on crutches. My high school has about 1,000 students and our mascot is the Fords. On the tv screen it said Welcome to the 2018-19 school year then flipped to a page that said congratulations to the girls lacrosse team on their State Title two years in a row.

My friend Emily walked up to be and instantly started talking about her summer. With me at lacrosse tournaments all the time I never got to see her during the summer. Emily was my first friend at this school. She started talking about how she went to Oregon over the summer and how she went to stepping stone cafe and had a pancake bigger than the size of her head.

"I am glad you went were I told you to go. " I said

When I was six almost seven my other family went on a huge trip where we went across the country. This is why I told Emily to go that restaurant in Portland Oregon. She continued talking about that trip and all I could think about was how was I still going to play lacrosse. Then it hit me I could sit in a chair and play wall ball. She then started talking about how the school's field hockey team has a chance to win a state title if they can only beat Riddley High School. She plays field hockey and is really hoping to win that title.

"The lacrosse teams can't be the only ones to have state titles at this school." she then added to her statement.

"Well good luck. I might be able to come to more your games this year since I fractured my femur. But at the same time I still will be going to practice for my team."

"Of course you will just make sure you come to some of my games. It would be really nice to have you come."

"Okay I will try. Now I have to go to my first class now so I don't get trampled."

"Okay see you at lunch."

I don't even get why they are having us come to school today since it is a Friday and we will just have the weekend but whatever. Anyway I waved to her then started walking to my first class which so happens to be AP Chem. Since I want to go into software engineering I have to take some hard science and math classes. When I walked into the classroom Mr. Walker wasn't in the room yet so I just took a seat in the middle of the classroom. Then Jesse Tucker walked in with a frown on is face. He is the quarterback for the football team, center for the hockey team and the center mid for the men's lacrosse team. He is also captain of all those sports and a senior. He has ocean blue eyes and wavy blond hair. Basically he is every girls dream and every guys worst nightmare. Once we noticed me he smiled.

"Well well well look who is on crutches. Is that really you Myers? What did you do to yourself?"

"Yes it is Tucker. I fractured my femur at the growth plate. I am out of sports for the next three months." As you can see we call each other by our last names. It is just something we started last year when we were trash talking each other when the boys and girls lacrosse played each other. It has just sort of stuck.

"How did you manage to do that?"

"Some girls I use to know were so mad because my team annihilated them 15-0 in the championship game at a tournament. So one girl pushed me so I lost my balance then the other tripped me so I fell and then botta bing botta boom I have a fractured femur."

"Well isn't that unfortunate. At least you beat them. That must have felt nice. Well anyway what are you doing here this is usually a senior class?"

"It is and I plan on going into software engineering so I need to be ahead in my science and math classes to get into a good college."

"Oh well that is cool. You know now that I have found you I have been meaning to ask you something. I-"

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