Chapter 6

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I wait outside the locker room for about 20 minutes. By the time Jesse gets out it is 10:30. He comes and his hair is wet and sticking to his forehead. He puts a hand through his hair nervously.

"Sorry I took so long ready to go?"


We walk to his car and we get in. Once we are all situated he turns to me.


"Yeah. Can you please tell me where we are going now please?"

"No it's a surprise."

"Fine." I let out a sigh. "Oh here is your jersey." I say while taking off the jersey and handing it to him.

"Thanks. You know you look really good wearing my jersey."

A blush creeps onto my face. "You know 14 is my number in lacrosse."

"How perfect."

We drive for about half an hour and then we pull up into this cute little diner.

"Well, here we are. I hope you like greasy food because that is basically all they serve here."

"It sounds perfect."

We walk into the diner and are seated at a booth. Jesse gets a burger and fries while I got fried BLT. Our waitress took our order and then walked away.

"Heather tell me more about yourself."

"Like what?"

"I want to know everything"

"I need more than that Tucker." I reach over and push him playfully.

"Okay, what is your favorite color?"


"What is your favorite sports team?"

"The New England Patriots"

"Why the New England Patriots?" He says disgusted

"Don't you remember I grew up in Maine. So naturally, I am a Patriots fan."

"Right I forgot. If you don't mind me asking but can you tell me a bit about your biological family?"

"Um well I had two sisters an older one and the other was my twin and I had an older brother. We lived in a small town Wells, Maine. My sister was in college at UNH and my brother was going to be a senior in high school. My mom was a nurse and my dad was a math teacher. The whole reason I knew the Myers was because my dad was their basketball coach in high school and they say my dad was their mentor. When my family died my mom's side of the family said I looked too much like her and it would be too hard and my dad's side said they never liked me anyway. So basically no one wanted to take me in. At the funeral, Paxton and Nolan approached me and offered to take me in and for that, I am forever grateful. I owe everything to Paxton and Lauren. I don't know where I would be without them."

"Heather you are so strong. I have never met anyone who has gone through so much and has come out as amazing as you have."

"You know you are the first person that after I told them the story didn't say I'm so sorry and look at me with pity."

"Well, I am glad I could be the first." He looked at me with loving eyes.

"Okay, now it's my turn to ask you questions. What-"

"No no no I barely got to ask any questions I still have a lot more."


"Favorite Movie?"

"I am going to say that my favorite movie series is Star Wars."

"Interesting... Favorite time of year?"



"The weather is just so perfect it is not too hot and not too cold. Where I grew up in Maine was so beautiful in the fall."

"When is your birthday?"

"August 21st"

"Okay, last one. Favorite food?"

"Umm...Chili with cornbread." The waitress arrives with our food. "No fair I didn't get to ask you any questions."

"I guess you will just have to go out with me another time to get to ask your questions."

"Is that your way of seeing if I will go out with you again?"


"I am not promising anything until I talk with my dad."

"Okay sounds fair."

We sat and ate our food in comfortable silence. The waitress came back and asked if we wanted any dessert.

"Do you want to split a chocolate milkshake?"

"I would if I liked chocolate. Can we get strawberry instead?"

"How can you not like chocolate?"

"I just don't okay?"

He turns to the waitress "One strawberry milkshake with two straws please."

"I'll have that right out for you." She replied and then went to another table.

Soon she comes back with our milkshake and we drink it in a comfortable silence. After we finish she gives us the bill. Jesse picks it up without letting me see it.

"Jesse please let me help pay. I don't like that you are the one paying for the whole bill."

"What kind of gentlemen would I be if I let you help pay for the bill on our first date?"

"Jesse you are being the stereotypical guy right now. Please just let me help pay for dinner."

"No Heather end of story I am paying."


After he pays the bill we make our way back to his car. I look at my phone to see it is 11:25. I can't believe it has already been an hour. This also means we have 20 minutes to get back to my house. Good thing my house is only 15 minutes away from this diner. Once we are in his car he starts it and we make our way back to my house. It seems like two seconds before he pulls into my driveway.

"Jesse this has been one of the best nights I have had in a really long time."

"Does this mean we can go out again?"

"I'll talk to my dad tonight. I'll let you know what he says tomorrow morning."

He leans his face closer to mine but stops inches away from my face.

He looks into my eyes. "I really want to kiss you right now but I was told you can't kiss a girl on the first date" He whispers

"I'm not stopping you" I whisper back

That was all he needed. He closed the small gap between and connected his lips to mine. It took me a second to respond but once I did we moved right in sync. After what felt like two seconds he pulled away. I frowned a little bit. He looked over at the clock on his dashboard.

"It's 11:44 you better get inside we don't want you late for curfew."

I blushed "You're right. Thank you Jesse. I'll text you tomorrow morning."

"I'll be waiting for that text."

I walked through my front door and I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2019 ⏰

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