Chapter 5

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Today is Friday the day of the football game and my date with Jesse. I am excited for the school day to end so I can go home and get ready for the football game. My mom is finally letting me drive myself to school. I pull up to the school and hop out of my car. I make my way to my locker and once again Jesse is waiting for me there.

"Hey are you going to be waiting for me here every day?" I ask as I walk up to my locker. I unlock it and pull out some books.

"Maybe I don't know. Can I have some help on the chem homework now."

Jesse texted me last night about getting some help on it. But it is to hard to explain over text so I said I would help him in the morning at school.

"Yeah let's go to Mr. Walker's room and I will help you out. "

We make our way to Mr. Walker's room. When we get there he isn't in the classroom so we just sit in our normal seats and I start to help him out.

"On this problem the amount of significant digits is 5 because the 0s are sandwiched in between other numbers making you answer 342.15"

"Oh, I see now. This makes so much more sense. Thank you so much Heather."

"No problem."

Jesse finishes the last problem on the homework as the bell ring for the start of class.

"Just in the nick of time." He whispers

Class seemed to go by so slow today. After what seemed like forever class ended and I started to pack up all my stuff.

"Heather wait up." Jesse calls from behind me. He catches up with me. "What class do you have next?"

"I have AP Calc. Why"

"Let me walk you to class. But first can we make a pit stop at my locker it is on the way?"

"You know you don't have to walk me to my next class I bet it's not on the way"

"I am actually going to my math class too so it is not out of the way at all."

"Okay. Thank you Jesse."

We make our way to his locker. When we get there he opens it and pulls out some books and then pulls out a football jersey.

"I wanted to give you this now so that I don't forget later. But I would wear a sweatshirt underneath it is suppose to be cold outside tonight and I wouldn't you to freeze to death before our date." He hands me the jersey.

"Yeah this doesn't look warm. Can you hand it back to me when I get to class I won't be able to carry it while using the crutches?" I say handing it back to him

"Yeah of course let's start our way there."

We start walking to the math wing. "Oh before I forget what should I wear tonight for our date?"

"You can wear whatever you are wearing to the football game it doesn't really matter. Just something comfortable."


We get to my class and we stop at the door and he hands me the jersey. "Thank you again for walking me. You really didn't need to do that."

"It was my pleasure. I will see you later."

"See you later."

I get to my desk and I sit down. I looked at the jersey. It is number 14 that is my number in lacrosse.

"Oh my god that is Jesse Tucker's jersey. Do you realize that no one has ever worn his jersey before?" A girl named Charlotte said from behind me

"No I didn't know that."

"I can't believe he gave you his jersey. Are you guys dating or something?"

"Something like that."

This is just great I should have just put the jersey in my bag now Charlotte is going to tell everyone that something is going on between Jesse and me. I quickly folded up the jersey and put it in my bag before anyone else could see it. Class went by really slow and lunch was finally here. I went into the lunch line and saw it was grilled cheese and tomato soup. Yum my favorite. I was about to grab some when Jesse stepped in front of me and grabbed it. I looked at him in shock. I turned to the lunch lady to see if there was any more.

"Sorry hun that was the last one" She says to me

I give out a sigh and grab some pizza. I pay for my lunch and make my way back to the table. I sit down and start eating the pizza.

"What are you so gloomy about?" Emily asks

"Tucker took the last grilled cheese with tomato soup after he cut in front of me in line." I say bitterly. "Oh and will you drive me to the football game tonight? I only need a ride there but I have a ride home." I ask Emily.

"Yeah of course." She replies. "Are you going out with Jesse after the game?" She whispers

"Yeah I am. He gave me his jersey to wear tonight."

"Oh my god no one has worn his jersey before that is huge."

"So I've heard."

Lunch passes by and so does the rest of the day. I go to my locker to grab all the stuff I will need this weekend and go to my car. I go to the lacrosse store and pick up my stick from being restrung. After I drive home and walk in the front door to be greeted by Ava and Kenzi. I turned the corner and saw both my parents.

"Hey guys"

"Hi Heather."

"I am going to go get ready for the football game tonight. Emily is going to drive me."


I only have about an hour and a half before the game. I go into my room and change out of my clothes into a pair of ripped jeans and a lacrosse shirt. I put on my UPenn baseball cap I grab a sweatshirt and Jesse's jersey and carry them out. I make sure I hide the jersey under the sweatshirt so that my dad wouldn't see it. I walk through the living room.

"Emily is here I have to go. I will see you guys later tonight."

"Okay Heather have a good time tonight." My mom calls "Remember to be home by 11:45"

"Don't worry I will be back in time."

"Bye Heather don't do anything stupid at the football game" My dad says

"When do I ever"

I walk out the door and hop into Emily's car.

"You ready" she says

"As ready as I'll ever be."

We pull out of the driveway and make our way to the game. I put on the jersey before I get out of the car and we head to the bleachers. We get there early enough to get in the front row. We get in just in time to see the team come out for warm-ups. The bleachers started filling up and as people passed me I heard them whispering about how I was wearing Jesse's jersey. Before I knew it the game was starting. After the first quarter we were leading 14-3. Jesse was playing well and my voice hurt from all the screaming I was doing. At half the score was 21-10 and I was in desperate need of some water. Emily and I walked over to the snack shack and she got some fries while I just got a water. The rest of the game went by smoothly and we won. I walk towards the entrance to the field to wait for Jesse. I soon saw him approaching me.

"Well Tucker I didn't have to throw your jersey on the ground so that is a good sign."

"Just let me go shower and change and I will meet you outside the locker room and we can start our date okay."

"Can't wait"

Sorry it took so long to update. I just didn't have the motivation to write. It's 11:30 but I finally finished it. Enjoy 

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