Chapter 1

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"Mom, where did dad go?!" Ronno yelled, anger burning in his heart. "He left dear." She said softly, knowing he will give her a snotty remark. "Why?" he hissed. "He just did. He didn't care about you or me. He left us. He is never coming back." She said, sighing. Ronno growled, running in front of her. "It's your fault! He left because of you!" he yelled, running off. Ronno's mother sighed, looking down. Ena, Faline's mother, walked up to her. "Dont worry, he is just bitter and cold-hearted." she said to the doe. "Why? He acts just like his father, Zak." She sighed, tears falling down her face. "Amy, you can't control the buck he is becoming. Don't blame yourself, he is who he is." Ena said softly, nuzzling the sad doe. Ronno ran into faline. "Hello." he said smirking, looking the young doe up and down. "Stop Ronno. I'm Bambi's." She said, it was sometime after Bambi had kissed her but she still felt his warm lips on her. "Is that right?' he said smirking. "Stop it!" she said, feeling him grow closer and closer. "Is the little fawn getting mad?" he sneered, pushing the doe. He kept pushing her into the woods when he felt something jab into him, he fell to the ground. "What the-" he said, looking around, seeing what it was. He soon recognized the young stag standing before him. "She said leave her alone." The young buck said, glaring at Ronno. "Well well, if it isn't the young princess." He said, getting up, noticing that Bambi had begun to grow in his antlers. "Leave." Bambi said, stepping in front of Faline. "Make me." Ronno hissed, getting into a fighting stance. "I sent you running back to your mom once. I'm not afraid of doing it again." He growled, looking dead at Ronno. Ronno smirked and ran into Bambi. Bambi head butted him. "Stop Ronno." He said sternly, kicking his hooves out at Ronno, seeing fur fly off the slightly older buck. Ronno growled, turning around kicking Bambi. Seeing blood drip from the scratch Bambi gave him. Bambi growled and kicked Ronno over and over, seeing Ronno fall to the ground. "Leave." Bambi said, defeating Ronno once more. Ronno looked at Bambi. He reluctantly got up and left. "You ok, Bambi?" Faline asked, looking at him. "Yes." He answered her. She licked him softly, walking towards the woods with Bambi. Ronno walked off, anger stabbed at his heart. "I hate him. I hate everyone." he hissed softly. He laid down, thinking of his dad. "Why did he leave us." he asked softly, tears rolling softly down his face. "You're a disgrace to me! You tarnish my family. You're an embarrassment. You diminish me." He still could hear his father's words. They burned in his mind. "I'm not a disgrace!" he called out. "I'm not..." Ronno cried softly, glad he was alone. A young fawn heard his cries and wanted to know more. She followed them, seeing the young buck crying. He didn't notice her, pain and hate burned his eyes and gripped his heart. "I hate everyone." he said, laying his head down. "A-are you ok, sir?" the young doe asked, looking at the buck. Ronno jumped up, looking at the doe, trying to shake off the cruel thoughts. "Who are you?!" he asked, angry that she was watching him. "My name is Gwen. what is your name, sir?" she asked, bowing her head down. "Ronno." He said in a low tone. "I like that name." She said softly, trying to make him happy. "Whatever." he growled. "Why were you watching me?!" He asked rudely. "I heard you. And I wanted to make sure you weren't hurt." she said softly. "Don't ever do that again." He growled. "Yes sir." she said, looking down. He looked at the doe, weirded out by her politeness. He walked off, shaking his head at her. "Wait." she said, wanting to talk to him. "What." he snarled, looking at her. "Can we talk? Like get to know each other?" she asked. "Why?" he snorted. "Because you are a cool buck." she said, smiling. "Whatever." he said. She ran up to him. "Well what do you like to do?" she asked. "Anything i want to." he snarled. "Oh. Cool." she said. "Gwen!!" Her mother called. "Oh...i gotta go, i hope i see you again, Ronno." she said, running to her mom. "Weirdo." he said, walking off. He walked to his mom, looking at her. "There you are. I was worried." she said, nuzzling him. "Whatever." he grumbled. She smiled, walking home, seeing him follow. "Did you meet anyone new?" she asked. "Yea." he said, looking at her, "Nice." she said, seeing him yawn. They walked to their home, letting him climb into the thicket, she laid down, seeing her son lay down beside her.

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