Chapter 2

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Ronno thought about the young doe a lot that morning, a little part of him hoped he sees her again. Ronno saw Gwen and sighed. "Hi." she said. "Hi.." he said, grazing on grass.
She looked at him. "He is really handsome." She blushed at the thought. Ronno saw that, shaking his head. "What are you blushing at." he asked, looking at her. "Oh..Nothing." she said, looking away from the buck. Ronno thought about it, confused. "Well. aren't you hungry?" he asked, hearing her stomach growl. "Oh...yea." She said smiling as she bent her head down, eating the grass. Ronno looked at the doe, looking at her features, she reminded him a lot of Faline. "Why do you want to meet me so much?" He hissed. Gwen shot her head up. "Because. I saw the other fawns not caring about you. You shouldn't be treated that way." she said. "They treat me like I'm the bad one." he growled. Ronno looked down. "He stole her from me." Ronno spat bitterly. "Who did?" Gwen asked, looking at him. "Bambi. The stupid princess. He stole Faline from me." He snarled, angry thoughts piercing his mind. Gwen felt as a thousand stones fell on top of her. "He likes someone else?" "Why can't he like me." "I like him.." She pushed the thoughts deep into the back of her mind. Ronno started to walk away. "Where are you going?" she asked. "Anywhere I want to." He hissed. She started to follow him. "What do you want to do?" She asked. "Whatever the heck I want to." He answered her. She smiled at him, liking his dominant stance. He smirked, wanting to show off himself to her. "Heh, watch this." He said, running to a tree, hitting it with his antlers. "These are my boys, Stab and Jab." he says smirking, testosterone building up, he wanted to show off more and more, trying to get her to become his. Gwen smiled at his pridefulness and aggressiveness. "He is a wonderful buck." she thought silently. "Hello, Ronno." A buck said, smiling at him. "Seth?" Ronno asked, looking at the slightly matured buck. He saw his spikes, they were bigger than Ronno's, but they were close in age. "Who is this pretty lady?" He asked, looking at the younger doe. "Back off Seth." Ronno hissed, ready to fight for the mate. "Oh, I don't want to ruin the baby-date." He smirked, looking at the doe. "Seth leave. You are a heartless idiot." Gwen hissed, stomping her hoof. Ronno looked at Gwen. "What did you just call me?" Seth asked, looking at the Doe, ready to kill her. "A heartless idiot." She said. He growled, rearing up, ready to trample her to death. Ronno hissed, kicking him. Seth when flying, falling down the hill. Ronno snorted, looking at the buck. He ran up to Ronno, stabbing him with his sharp antlers. Ronno hissed in pain, as he sliced the buck with his sharp hooves. Seth growled, kicking him. Ronno growled, as he head butted him, kicking him with his hind legs. Seth fell, snorting, biting Ronno. Ronno growled in pain, stumbling backwards as Seth kicked Ronno down, he hit the ground with a loud thud. "Ow..." Ronno growled. He and Seth were once good friends, before he back-stabbed Ronno and left him for dead. "I see you're still alive. Funny. I miscalculated." He smirked, looking at Ronno's torn ear. "You remember that scar and how you got it." Seth said in a low tone as he walked off. "I hate that guy." Gwen snarled. Ronno nodded. "He and I were in a huge fight. He almost killed me. He gave me this torn ear. My dad always liked him more than me.." he grumbled. Gwen looked at him, hoping he was ok. "Are you ok?" Ronno nodded, getting up. Gwen looked at Ronno, seeing his features, she thought about him a lot. Ronno looked at her. "Why do you keep looking at me?" he asked. " reason." she said, blushing nervously. Ronno rolled his eyes. "Ok." he said, thinking of Gwen made him smile. "What is this feeling?" "This is weird, I didn't feel this around Faline." He thought silently. Gwen smiled, looking at him. "Ronno...can I tell you something?" Gwen asked nervously. "Sure." he said, looking at her. "I...I li-" She said, getting cut off by her mother's calls. "Coming Mother!" She called back to her mom. "I have to go, bye Ronno." she said trotting to her mom. "Oh..bye" Ronno said. "Do I like her?" "She is a pretty doe." He thought about her as he walked home. He climbed into the thicket, yawning and falling asleep.

Ronno's Side (A Bambi Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora